53 Steps to Avoid Heat Illnesses

Avoiding Heat Illness
1. Train your employees, managers & leads on heat related injuries
2. Have water and electrolytes available and close to their work area
3. Provide chilling bandanas and towels
4. Provide shade outdoors & move air indoors
5. Recognize, Understand, and Act on heat stress victims immediately

1. Heat & Humidity
2. Caffeine
3. Alcohol
4. Energy Drinks
5. Medications

Hydration & Rehydration
1. Drink 8 x 8 oz glasses of water per day EVERY DAY (8 X 8 Rule)
2. Drink 8 oz of water per alcoholic beverage
3. Drink 8 oz of water per cup of coffee
4. Drink 48 oz of water per 16 oz energy drink
5. Drink beverages that contain electrolytes (Sqwincher & Gatorade)

Heat-Related Illness First Aid and Emergency Response Procedures
Heat Related Illness Signs & Symptoms First Aid emergency Response Procedures
Sunburn Red, hot skin
Possibly blisters
Loosen clothes
Apply cool compress or water
Get medical evaluation if sever
Heat Rash Red, itchy Bumpy skin
Skin infection
Apply cook water or compress to rash
Keep affected area dry
Heat Cramps Muscle cramps spasms Grasping the affected area Abnormal body posture Drink water to hydrate body
Res in an air conditioned room
Massage affected muscles
Get medial attention if cramps persist
Heat Exhaustion High Pulse rate
Pale face Headache
Fatigue Clammy and moist skin
Extreme sweating
Insecure gait
CALL 991*
Rapid cooling w/fan, water or ice packs
Lay flat and elevate feet
Drink small amounts of water to hydrate
Heat Stroke Any of the above, but more severe
Hot, dry skin (25-50%) of cases)
Altered mental status with confusion and agitation
Can progress to loss of consciousness and seizures 

CALL 911*
Rapid cooling w/fan, water or ice packs
Lay flat elevate feet
If conscious give sips of water
Monitor breathing
Administer CPR if needed

California League Of Food Producers