Fellow members.

Hello and welcome to our 2nd quarterly report for 2021. I wish there were lots of things to report but given the current lockdown that we are in, we are forced to work at a slower pace.

I would like to announce that it is going to be business as normal with a conference this fall, but I am reluctant to do so. We have been attending virtual conferences of late and are currently contemplating just how we could put on a small virtual conference this fall. We will have a board meeting by mid-May to discuss the makeup and execution of such a conference. Will will keep you informed.

The MDRAO magazine is due to come out soon. Sara and Pablo have been working very hard on member input, and it sounds like it will be a great issue.

The new education platform continues to be tweaked to make it better and more automated than before. Nathalie and Michael are doing a great job with it. There will be a facilitator meeting shortly to brief them on the changes this year, and we will be up and running for another year.

If you have an idea let us know!

If it is an education idea let our Education Directors, Nathalie nathalie@mdrao.ca or Michael michael@mdrao.ca know.

If you have an idea on what you would like to see in newsletters, advertising, conferences etc. let our Communications Directors, Sara sara@mdrao.ca or Pablo pramiro@mdrao.ca know.

If you have an idea on how to boost membership etc. talk to our Chapter Development Directors, Tony tony@mdrao.ca and Megan megan@mdrao.ca.

This is your association and we are here to serve you and it is our mission to keep improving the MDRAO.

Wishing you continued health, success and prosperity.



Jeffrey J Phelps CD, CMDRT
President, MDRAO

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario