Nathalie Legault – GAMMA Chapter Representative

Nathalie works as the MDRD Educator at The Ottawa Hospital, she divides her time between The Ottawa Hospital’s three campuses. The Ottawa Hospital is a Canadian academic health science center that serve 1.2 million people across Eastern Ontario. Nathalie is a graduate from Ottawa University, where she received a BA of Science in Nursing.

After graduation, Nathalie worked as a community health nurse for two years and went on to do her certificate in Business Administration at Ottawa University after which she went on to practice in palliative care for 6 years at the Elizabeth Bruyère Health center where she gained expertise as a team leader.

Nathalie further pursued her studies by doing her Registered Nurse Perioperative Nursing at Algonquin College after which she pursued a career in the Ottawa Hospital, General Campus Main Operating Room for 6 years. In 2005, Nathalie completed her CSAO course and her Certified Endoscopy Reprocessing Trainer Program (CERT) after which she started working in her current career as an MDRD Educator.

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario