More Great Things to Come for MDRAO

Greetings MDRAO Members, 
As we begin another year together I want to take a moment and thank you for being a member of MDRAO. You have joined hundreds of dedicated Medical Device Reprocessing professionals who are committed to quality patient care and ongoing career development.
I am excited to be your President and look forward to working with the Board of Directors, chapter executives and you the members, to grow our association. I am so very proud of the work we are doing with the online course, workbook, textbook, and soon to be offered workbook and textbook in French.
October 14-20th is MDR week please take some time to celebrate the awesome profession you have chosen.  Each and every day you work tirelessly to ensure the patients we serve have clean and sterile instruments. Without you, no health care facility could run.
Please visit the MDRAO website for all the details and check out the link to our on line store which has lots of great MDRAO merchandise. Thank your staff or buy yourself something to promote your profession. 
I encourage you to get involved with your chapter and attend the meetings. I look forward to seeing you at our 50th Anniversary biannual conference September 6-8, 2019 please save the date!  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you  may your blessings outnumber the autumn leaves. 
Thank you, 
Tammy Bennardo, CMDRT
MDRAO President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario