Gamma Chapter Annual Report


We held a joint Education Day with the Ottawa Hospital and Algonquin College. It was well attended as it was on Collins Day. It was a great Educational Day.

Some of the small Rural Hospitals had MDRT’s in attendance, giving them a chance to talk to people from bigger Hospitals.

We had a couple meetings one on OTN and one at the Armprior Hospital was not a large turn out but we were able to discuss a lot of the issues that we had at the different Hospitals. We then tried to map out what we would like to do in this up coming year. We talked about hosting another education day in the New Year so we will not conflict with the MDRAO conference.

We have had quite a few technicians retire or get cut out as a lot of the smaller rural Hospitals are out sourcing or cutting back on the time needing a MDRT in their facility. So it is hard to keep members, the new members are to involved with their own life, there is little desire to give up their time to an organization that they feel is not giving them anything back.

It has been talked about before that we become professionals and charge everyone a license fee. The college course is becoming the way the Hospitals prefer new staff be educated. As they get to assess the person when they are in their placement. So we are talking to each other on how we can make changes to ensure there will be MDRAO in the future. The training manual is great but we cannot survive on that alone. More of the members will be retiring as time passes by, we see it as a major hurdle to over come.

Why have this as part of my report? Because I believe that we think it but don’t want to talk about it. Before it is to late we have to start working and looking to the future. By doing this we may be able to come up with several solutions so there will be a MDRAO to continue on to ensure patient’s well being.

David Bobier
MDRAO GAMMA Chapter President

As a chapter secretary I set up an OTN meeting in September 2016. It was sent out with the information but unfortunately we only had those in attendance from our hospital. We brainstormed at this time to try and get things to work in a more unified and up to date manner. The executive met in Tim Hortons in Renfrew to try and set guidelines to go forward with. A meeting was scheduled in October and Beth called various hospitals to get as many people to come to the meeting as possible. We had the executive as well as one other attendee from Almonte in attendance. We talked about closures in departments across our region, with the latest one being considered for out sourcing was here in Arnprior. Our hospital management have put a lot of time and energy into supporting our MDRD to remain a viable option for the community. We discussed how we could get more attendance at our meetings. It was decided we would offer a draw for those in attendance to win a chance to attend the upcoming conference on Toronto.

With our conference biannually we are working towards having an education day in the year opposite the conference. As an executive we look forward to any feedback we can utilize to bring our chapter forward.

Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Fraser
Secretary, GAMMA Chapter

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario