President and Vice-President Updates

Hello everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce and thank Tammy Bernardo for accepting the interim Vice President position to complete this term. Tammy has served at the provincial level most recently in Chapter Development; is an MDRAO course Coordinator for the Theta Chapter and is an Education Director on the Board. As the MRAO Past President, I will assume the interim role in the President position for the duration of this term.

We are looking forward to our MDRAO Conference "Measuring Success," September 2017. Please find conference details available on our website. Our textbook is in the process of being updated to reflect the new CSA standards, which will move us forward to launch the 4th edition on June 1st. We are also in the early stages of investigating an online course for the Distant and Refresher courses, with more details to follow. I hope you have had a chance to visit the MDRAO online store. There are several promotional items to choose from that can be purchased as gifts of acknowledgement, to award service excellence, for members to celebrate MDR Week etc.

We are so excited to be nearing the 1,000 MDRAO membership registration mark for 2016/17. June 1st is the new membership year representing 2017/18. Sign up early as we look forward to reaching the 1,000-member milestone next year!

The Board of Directors have been very busy over the past several months preparing for the MDRAO Annual General Meeting taking place on May 18, 2017 at 5 p.m. Ensure you find time to read the proposed changes to the constitution to better prepare your responses. We will be using the Simply Voting electronic format to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate. Voting will begin following the Annual General Meeting and be available to all members for one week.

Please ensure that you have coordinated your Ontario Teleconferencing event for your hospital accordingly. All of the information you need to attend the MDRAO Annual Meeting is posted in this newsletter and available on our MDRAO website.

Looking forward to seeing everyone then,

Denise Bosnjak,

MDRAO Interim President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario