Delta Chapter Report

During this time, the executive team met once as a group and exchanged many emails in preparation for the Delta Chapter Education Day on April 1, 2017. As the executive team had proposed at our Christmas meeting with the members attending that day, we traveled by bus to Rochester New York on April 1st to have our education day at the Highpower Validation Testing and Lab Services Inc.

The event was hosted by Chuck Hughes, formally of SPS Medical (Retired), Gary Socola, President of Highpower and Don Tumminelli, Lab Manager. Hosts also included several technicians along with other executives, past and present. The education day was well received, with twenty-nine members attending. The education day focused on providing a better understanding of how and why medical devices, from instruments to sterilizers, are validated for use in the medical industry.  Our hosts were thorough and more than happy and capable of answering any related questions asked of them.  Members were encouraged to ask questions and we noticed that the members felt comfortable in doing so. This education day provided a behind-the-scenes view of what happens before a product is able to be part of our MDRD’s.  I believe that our members returned to their respective MDRD’s better prepared to offer patients the best possible product through their medical device reprocessing services. Overall, the day was a great success!

Looking forward, we will be drawing names to attend the MDRAO Conference in September and for AGM via OTM in May. I encourage all members to make a note on their calendar with regards to the MDRAO conference. Along with the executive team, I am looking forward to meeting with our members at the conference.

Sincerely yours,

Tony Leite
Delta Chapter President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario