Delta Chapter Report

Delta Chapter President Report

In September, I was honoured to chair our first executive meeting for this current term. During this meeting we solidified our four chapter meeting dates for this fiscal year. We discussed our financial status along with the CAMDR Conference held in Toronto from October 13-16, along with a possible education day. We were able to have Delta’s six executive members represent the Delta Chapter at the CAMDR Conference.

Our first chapter meeting was held on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, King St. Campus. Jeff, from Surgical Products, was gracious enough to attend our meeting and present and demonstrate their flexible inspection camera. Our goals, as always, are to educate and keep up with CSA Standards, and this term I would like to put an emphasis on encouraging members to consider future chapter executive positions and provincial executive positions. The CAMDR Conference emphasized that we are on the forefront of great technological advancements, and I feel that MDRAO is well equipped to aid and prepare our members for the future advancements.

In conclusion, I, along with the Delta Executive Team, am excited to bring our chapter together for great collaboration and information sessions, ensuring that our members are well prepared for the future MDR needs.

Tony Leite
Delta Chapter President

Medical Device Reprocessing Association of Ontario