It was a great summer, and once again another great CSAO conference was held in Toronto this September. The ETA chapter was able to send 22 delegates this year and all were very pleased to attend. The feedback from delegates and vendors was overwhelmingly positive. 

This fall marks another group of ETA Chapter meetings, with first one being held October 11, 2015, at Fibertech. We are also planing a tri-chapter meeting at Trudell Canada in November. More details to follow. Our Christmas dinner will be held early December. Dates and details to follow. A fall ETA Chapter classroom course will also be held.

This membership year marks an election year for CSAO at provincial and chapter levels. All are encouraged to participate and we look forward to new executive membership and ideas. Please talk to any existing executive if you have any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you all at upcoming chapter meetings and have a great fall.


Louis Konstant
President, ETA Chapter