Anne Kustra - Director of Communications

Hello to Everyone!

Welcome to a new and exciting year within CSAO! Please let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as one of your new Director's of Communications for CSAO. There are many exciting initiatives taking place in relation to recognition, promoting CSAO’s image and education. It is through these goals that the CSAO will position itself as an active and viable voice for reprocessing departments throughout Canada.

The CSAO vision is to provide our members and health care facilities professional development, educational opportunities, a forum for information exchange and member services in relation to professional growth. Please visit us at: hhtp://

This eNewsletter will provide updates and information from the Executive Committee, Chapter Reports and other articles and links related to standards, conferences and educational events. I encourage all of our members to send any ideas, articles or suggestions to my email below for future eNewletters.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of CSAO. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!


