Cindy Cole - President

Congratulations to all Medical Device Reprocessing Technicians for Central Service Week occurring this year from October 8-14, 2012. I hope everyone has or will take time to celebrate this in your respective department. It is a time to celebrate your chosen specialty and be recognized for the contribution you make to safe patient care.

The new executive committee will be meeting in early November to start planning next year's conference. We encourage all members to offer topics of interest for speaker presentations. We would love to see our own members become more involved with presenting. I encourage anyone wishing to present a topic or relevant experience that all reprocessing technicians can learn from to be in touch with any of the executive to discuss. There is great knowledge, experience and expertise in our province with excellent Managers, Clinical Educators, Team Leaders, Lead Hands and front-line staff members.

CSAO has also recently become a member of the World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply. We are the first Canadian organization to be members. Their website is: The WFHSS dedicates itself to the promotion of the worldwide harmonization of sterilization departments and of decontamination practices. It provides a meeting place for national and regional non-profit sterilization societies, thus stimulating cooperation and the exchange of information and best practices and information via its website to all our stakeholders and interested parties.

Over the next year we will also be updating our organizational goals and objectives. Look for a member survey in the next newsletter for your input into this important plan.

I am excited to begin my journey as your president and welcome input and feedback from all members, as we are all here to represent you!