Lorna Coutoulas - President

President – Lorna Coutoulas

I have just completed the ETA Chapter course. The students were all very keen and excited about entering the world of Medical Device Reprocessing and starting a career in this field and it was nice to see that.

I attended CSA the last week of January. I am pleased to say that Z314.23 Chemical Sterilization of Reusable Medical Devices in Health care Facilities is available for purchase through the CSA website. We also worked on the mother document Z314.00, which will carry duplicates in the standards e.g personnel, general requirements, education etc. We also started to revise Z314.8 Decontamination of Reusable Medical Devices. It was a busy meeting and a lot was accomplished.

On April 27, I will be going to Albuquerque, New Mexico, as C.S.A.O. President and a member of the Medical Device Reprocessing Advisory Panel where I will be presenting on Accreditation and my experiences. I will also be attending the IAHCSMM conference.

C.S.A.O. has been asked to speak on the ‘Value MDRD Brings to the OR Supply Chain Process’ at the supply chain conference held at the Doubletree on May 14 and 15.

The C.S.A.O. conference information will be posted shortly on our website and I truly hope to see you there. I look forward to getting together, the education sessions and networking every year at our Annual Conference.