Cindy Cole - Vice President

Vice President Report

The Annual Conference in September was a tremendous success and plans for the 2011 Conference are already well underway. There has been great interest in attending our conference from our exhibitor colleagues. We hope to have continued attendance from our long-time supporters while also welcoming new exhibitors who wish to showcase their products at the conference.

As I transition into my new role of Vice President I have also been finishing up work I started in my position of Chapter Development. The provincial executives have accepted a draft of a yearly outline of duties for all Chapter Executive positions. This is a more detailed outline of the time frames for submitting chapter reports, meeting minutes, financial statements etc. to the provincial office. This will be distributed to all Chapter Executives in early January. I trust it will assist new members at the Chapter Executive level to transition into their new role while offering some guidance.

Wishing all CSAO members much love, health and happiness for 2011!

Cindy Cole
Vice President