Delta Chapter Report

The new Delta Chapter Executive members have met to discuss the expectations associated with our new roles. Our discussions included assigning the new Delta Chapter Delegate who will be representing the chapter at the Provincial Level. It was decided that the President would assume this responsibility. Marie Savaria revisited our financial status and commitment. Dianne Rautenburge set the agenda for our first meeting, and will be responsible for keeping our records and the CSAO office updated. Arnold Hoffmann offered his support with organizing the committee meeting activities for our members.

We discussed several educational opportunities that we are interested in providing for our members this year. We also discussed our future objectives for the year, which included promoting the Delta Chapter in outlying areas to support our members living in these locations. We are hoping to increase our membership and regular attendance at chapter meetings.

We scheduled our October meeting to take place in Cambridge during CS week, where we have several activities planned. We also planned our Christmas meeting in Brantford, which will include dinner for all of our members.

We are looking forward to working together to move our chapter forward over the next  two years.