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May 2021

Gamma Chapter Report

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Greetings to all MDRAO Members!

Finally, spring is almost here with warmer weather and the flowers blooming! The past year has been challenging for MDRD technicians in our area. Many of them were redeployed to other areas because of the lack of work in our department due to elective surgery cancellations. It is never easy to work in an unknown area with people you do not know, but we want to thank you for your hard work, courage and dedication. You were and are still appreciated!

We also want to thank the employees who stayed in the department and kept is running. Sometimes it was very slow, but other times you had to work hard to build trays that you were not familiar with or work in areas that you were not used to because your coworkers were redeployed. Kudos to you too!

Let’s not forget our management teams that worked hard to organize the redeployment to ensure that every employee was taken care of and no one was laid off. The management team also worked hard at coordinating Covid-19 vaccination in the department so that you would be safe. What a great team we have!

Finally, we are trying to continue with our past activities but in a new format. What I mean is that this year, we decided to go ahead with our yearly MDRD Education Day at The Ottawa Hospital. This Education Day is a great opportunity for employees to get to know each other better, work as a team, learn new things and have fun. The Education Day is held on the 2nd Friday of the month of May every year. This year, the MDRT will be given a scenario an be divided in small groups where they will have to come up with solutions as a group. We will also have games and prizes!

Everyone is very positive, and we are hoping for a return to normal soon. Employees are looking forward to a much-deserved vacation this summer. I think we can all give ourselves a pat on the back because we deserve it! We are hoping to return to normal Chapter activity starting next September, we will keep you posted.

Until next time

Take care

Nathalie Legault
President Gamma Chapter


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