Past Issues | Advertise | January 20, 2012

THETA Chapter Report

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I would like to thank all the people who attend our meetings and contribute to the chapter. A chapter is only as good as its members. We have been fortunate in having the highest membership for the last three years and this is because we have an active chapter and an excellent executive. I want to thank Nancy, Michelle, Tammy and Nicole for all their work as this executive works as a team and this works well. 

CSA standards are being worked on for Chemical Sterilization CSAZ314.23 which will cover all technologies including EtO. This document will provide guidance for all the new technologies and will replace the EtO document. Watch for it in early 2012. CSA Z314.00 will be a new document that is being worked on in January 2012. This document will be designed to remove all the overarching statements for reprocessing from all standards. These will include but not limited to manufacturer’s instructions, personnel, design   and many more. This will allow these over arching requirements to be consistent as standards are reviewed and updated every three to five years so you may have the same statement in four documents all different now as it depends on when updated.  When we review and update the other documents these clauses will be removed and referred to Z314.00 unless there is a specific requirement for the standard we are working on. CSA Z314.8 Decontamination will start its review January 2012 and this document will be the first to be affected by Z314.00. If there are clauses in any standard that have caused you grief, please send them to me so I can bring your concerns and suggested to the CSA table.  

THETA CHAPTER: As 2012 is election year for the CSAO, it is important that every member consider running for the chapter executive. The Theta chapter holds all its meetings by OTN and being on the executive offers you a great opportunity to learn and contribute.  We have received nominations to date for the following positions:

President Michelle Bellefeuille - Sault Area Hospital (this position automatically goes to Vice President)

Vice President Nancy Aelick - St. Joseph Hospital Elliot Lake

Treasurer Tammy Bennardo - Sault Area Hospital  

Secretary Jeff Phelps - North Bay Regional Centre 

Education - No nominations to date. 

Please send in nominations on the form sent out in November to all Theta members, or email me at and I will send you the form.

I will become the Past President in June 2012 as my two-year term will be completed. 


Nominations for the CSAO PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE: CSAO provincial executive nomination forms will be sent out soon for the 2012 elections for provincial.  Theta chapter representative for CSAO provincial was held for the past two years by Nancy Aelick and she will put her name forward for a second term.  Nominations will be accepted by the CSAO office for this position and for the position of Vice President of CSAO so consider getting involved.   

It will be important that if there is an election as a CSAO member, you complete the mailed ballots sent to you by the office so that you have your voice heard. 

It is very important that all staff performing any portion of reprocessing anywhere in your facility, clinics, physicians offices, dental offices, endoscopy suites be certified.  CSAO offers a classroom course in our chapter every May. Any person can register for any CSAO course throughout the year so technically you have seven opportunities to take a classroom course. Recertification is required every five years for all staff, supervisors and managers.  This is done by distant education and for $300.00 plus tax you receive a $200.00 newly published text book and workbook and a practical component booklet that can be used as your competency for the year. The exam is written in front of your manager and must be completed in three months.  Every Medical Device Reprocessing Technician (MDRDT) is required to do 10 hours per year of education minimally and CSA requires 20 hours per year or 100 hrs every five years).  This can be on line, attending Theta meetings, education at the hospital but you are responsible to document and keep records of your education. As the reprocessing world is always changing, you are required to keep current so as not to place patients at risk. We are planning a 3rd Education day in April 2013, so if there are topics you are interested in  hearing about please send me an email at

THETA classroom course is being held May 9th to the 12th inclusive with sites in Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay and North Bay.  The closing date to register is May 5, 2012, so please advertise this in your facilities.  Form at

Membership CSAO:
Membership in the CSAO gives you a voice to submit education topics, ask questions, run for executive, receive free education and many other opportunities, so please join as we need to have 100 percent of workers in reprocessing belong to CSAO to give the association a greater voice. CSAO has a voice on the CSA standards, OHA, Accreditation Canada and this gives you a voice if you are a member.  Also if you are a member you can use the website forum section as this gives you an opportunity to ask questions. Form at

Upcoming THETA Chapter Meeting: 
It is being held Wednesday Feb 8th from 1:30-3 p.m. If your site is not registered yet, contact Nancy Aelick at to register your site and system for the session. The speaker is Marta McBurney from 3M speaking on "What a sales rep can do for you." 

I wish each of you and your families a nappy New Year and hope to see you Feb. 7th at our Theta OTN meeting. 


Steris Canada Inc
Cardinal Health
3M Canada
Box 225 / Timmins, ON / P4N 7CP
Phone: 705.268.4763
Fax: 705.268.4421