Last Call for Abstracts – extended to February 14

It is not too late! You still have some time to submit your abstract.

The CDA Technical Committees specifically invite the submission of abstracts for targeted sessions on the two following topics:

Closing Tailings Facilities

Many mining dams and associated tailings facilities are reaching the end of their operational life and are being prepared for closure, which is the process of establishing a configuration for the dam with the objective of achieving long term physical, chemical, ecological, and social stability and a sustainable, environmentally appropriate after use. Read more...

Interpretation or Implementation of CDA Current Guidance

As a follow-up to the recent Guideline Survey and while continuing to look towards the next generation of CDA guidelines, the CDA Dam Safety Committee invites the submission of abstracts (or abbreviated discussion topics) which illustrate specific challenges in the interpretation or implementation of the current guidance. This can be done through the utilization of specific case studies and/or hypothetical scenario based assessments to provide the relevant context for the identified problem. In addition, particular consideration of the challenges associated with the implementation of any new technical guidance would be specifically relevant at this time. Read more...

These submissions should be developed with an aim to stimulate thoughtful discussion and debate around the key topics that need to be considered in the next generation of CDA guidance, which may require a session format that is different than a typical conference technical session.

Deadline: February 14, 2023

Submit your Abstract