Marking the 60th Anniversary of CANCOLD

CDA is marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Canadian National Committee of the International Commission on Large Dams.

The meeting of CNC/ICOLD – later CANCOLD and one of the founding organizations of the Canadian Dam Association – took place in Montreal on December 16, 1960.

Canadians were involved internationally long before 1960 and Canada had become a member of ICOLD in 1952, but no Canadian National Committee had been formed. With Dr. Richard L. Hearn of the Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario (later Ontario Hydro and now Ontario Power Generation) in the chair, an organization was created and members recruited.

Twenty individuals attended the first CNC/ICOLD meeting on Dec. 16, 1960, with a further 23 from across Canada expressing their regrets at not being able to attend. It was a practical affair, discussing a number of items including:

The first meeting of CNC/ICOLD was a significant milestone in both Canada’s involvement in the international dam community and advancement of the dam community in Canada.

An article “The Abbreviated History of CANCOLD” was published in the Summer 2010 edition of the CDA Bulletin. (The article is in English only.)

For academic interest, the minutes from this meeting can be downloaded from the CDA website!