Bob Patrick elected CDA President for 2017-2018


The 2017-2018 Board of Directors was elected on October 16 in Kelowna at the AGM.  Bob Patrick, a senior consultant with Tetra Tech based in Nanaimo, BC, assumed the role of President of the Canadian Dam Association for the 2017-2018 year.

Jean-Pierre Tournier of Hydro-Québec, based in Montréal becomes CDA’s Vice President and President-Elect. Mr. Tournier returns to the board after a three-year absence.

Having completed his term as CDA President, Chad LePoudre, a vice president with SNC-Lavalin, has moved into the position of Past President.

Michel Dolbec, appointed as Acting Secretary Treasurer earlier in the year, was acclaimed by the membership as Secretary Treasurer. He is with WSP (Québec City).

Joining the board for 2017-2018 are:
Returning Directors are:
CDA thanks the following individuals for their commitment to CDA as they have completed their terms on the Board of Directors: