2018 ICOLD Congress Papers

The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) holds a Congress every three years with a focus on pre-selected technical questions that address international issues. The attendance is typically 1,000 to 1,500 participants from 60 to 70 countries.

The 26th Congress and 86th Annual Meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria from July 1 to July 7, 2018.

As the Canadian national committee to ICOLD, the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) submits abstracts to ICOLD for consideration in the program. Selected papers will be published in Transactions of the Congress, along with a General Report summarizing the state of practice. This publication becomes the leading international reference on the topic. Invited authors will make presentations at the Congress. 

At an ICOLD Congress, papers must address the Congress questions. The questions for the 2018 Congress are listed on the CDA website.

Canada has the right to submit a certain number of papers on each of the four Questions. While CDA has received a number of strong papers, additional papers are being accepted for any of the four questions. E-mail director-at-large.icold@cda.ca for more information.
Canadians are invited to share their knowledge and fully participate on the world stage. The cost to submit a paper and contribute to the Congress is $500.
Below are the timelines: