CDA helping to promote Canadian companies and their expertise internationally

Part of CDA’s International Strategy is a new initiative that creates opportunities for Canadian companies to market abroad.  

CDA Members may recall that companies were surveyed in the fall of 2016 to give CDA some idea of the extent of current international business, and where CDA might target its efforts.  Based on the research, CDA is creating marketing opportunities in Brazil and Peru in May 2017; and in Prague in July as part of ICOLD 2017.  Companies that responded to the survey will be approached to participate very soon.

CDA has applied for funding from the federal department, Global Affairs Canada, to support these efforts.  An answer from Global Affairs Canada is expected in March.

If your company is interested in expanding internationally and did not respond to the survey, it’s not too late to be added to the CDA International Business database.   Interested members should e-mail Don Butcher at