CDA Goes to Ottawa

Teams of CDA representatives spread out across Ottawa on Feb. 26, 2016 to promote awareness of the Canadian Dam Association and dam industry issues. Five meetings were held with federal government officials and five with national associations or agencies.

"CDA Day in Ottawa" was organized to forge or solidify relationships with departments and associations that have a vested interest in dams in Canada and internationally. The topics discussed depended on the meeting, ranging from dam safety technical issues and CDA’s international activities, through to collaboration in the mining dams sector.

CDA is not an advocacy organization, but recognizes that other organizations need to know our role in sustainable hydropower production, flood control, mine tailings containment and other uses of dams and dikes.
Fifteen CDA members divided into teams to visit the stakeholders in their offices.

The response to CDA’s outreach was very positive. The CDA representatives were able to share targeted information with the stakeholders and engage them in conversation about topics of mutual interest.
After CDA Day on the Hill, the Board of Directors met and grabbed a quick photo at Parliament Hill. Attending were Herb Hawson, Bob Patrick, Martin Ferland, Tony Bennett, Gilles Bourgeois, Clare Raska, Michael Cyr, Catrin Bryan, Richard Trimble, Valerie Latour, Allan Kirkham, Chad LePoudre, Johanne Bibeau, Andy Small, Don Butcher.