Members Must Vote by February 26 on Proposed Mission and Vision Statements

Members were advised in the November e-Bulletin that CDA had conducted its first thorough review of its Mission, Vision and Values Statement since 2003 and was seeking member input on its draft document. The document has been available on the CDA website.


Members were also advised that the CDA Mission Statement is included in the current by-law, so for changes to take effect there must be a by-law amendment. In addition, the Vision Statement is not included in the current by-law but the Board is proposing that it be added. The Values Statements are not included in the current by-laws and the Board is NOT proposing to include them at this time.


Members should have already received a notification from the on-line voting system, SimplyVoting, that they can now vote on the proposed CDA by-law amendments.Members can vote in favour of or opposed to the amendments (or abstain from making a choice). Voting is completely anonymous. Voting will close at midnight Pacific Standard Time on February 26.

Should you have any questions about the vote, please contact Don Butcher at +1 (416) 255-7076 or by email at