CDA developing new Vision, Mission and Values statements

The Canadian Dam Association is conducting its first thorough review of its vision, mission and values since 2003.

"While CDA will always be, at its core, an association of engineers and geotechnicians practically and proactively managing the safe operation of dams, we are more than that," says CDA President Tony Bennett. "We are in an environment in which we need to collaborate with government and other stakeholders, and to do that we need to be able to share our vision for the future effectively."

"The Board has done the groundwork. Now we need input from the membership."

A document with the draft of a new vision and values statements and a revised mission statement is available on the CDA website by clicking here. The webpage also contains a link to the existing mission statement.

Members are encouraged to make their comments known to Bob Patrick or Richard Trimble, co-chairs of the Mission Statement Task Group, via by November 16, 2015. 

After the period of member input, the comments received will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and a proposal put forward to the membership. Because the current mission statement is in the bylaw, there needs to be a bylaw amendment to adopt any changes. Bylaw amendments must be approved by the whole membership, so an online vote will be conducted early in 2016.

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