Time to renew your membership in CDA

Membership in the Canadian Dam Association provides many unique benefits, including direct access to information critical to the safe and effective operation of dams; the opportunity to contribute to important issues including dam safety, design and construction; and member pricing for publications and professional development activities like the Annual Conference.

For suppliers of products and services to the dam industry, including equipment, measurement and consulting, membership is essential. Being a Corporate or Sustaining member is especially valuable to your business or organization. 

For individuals, on-line membership renewal is fast and easy:
current members can sign in, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner to go to your Account page, and your membership status is right there. Click on the "Renew Membership" button and follow the steps;
if a former member or if you are joining for the first time, sign into your CDA account, and go to "Shop CDA" to purchase a membership.

On-line renewal is available to Corporate and Sustaining members. Information has been sent to the contacts for those companies.

For more information or alternative methods of payment, contact CDA’s Executive Director Don Butcher at executive.director@cda.ca or 416-255-7076.