CDA bids for the 2019 ICOLD Annual Meeting

CDA has formally invited the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) to hold its 2019 Annual Meeting in Canada.

"We believe that bringing the international dam community here in 2019 will be of great benefit to the Canadian dam owners, operators, regulators and consultants," says CDA President Gilles Bourgeois. "Not only will it make it easier for Canadians to learn from their international counterparts, hosting the 2019 ICOLD Annual Meeting will give Canada a chance to shine on the international stage."

Canada last hosted ICOLD at its 2003 Congress in Montréal.

It is unclear when ICOLD will make its decision on the site for the 2019 Annual Meeting. Traditionally, ICOLD has selected the sites for its Annual Meetings three years in advance. However, a number of ICOLD national committees are supporting a change that would see the decision made four years in advance; thus decision for 2019 may be made at the 2015 Congress in Stavanger, Norway.

The CDA bid was supported in principle by the CDA membership at the 2014 Annual General Meeting in October 2014, and approved by the Board of Directors in February 2015.