ACC Comments on DOE QER 1.2

The American Coal Council (ACC) has submitted comments to the Department of Energy for its Quadrennial Energy Review 1.2 (QER 1.2), an analysis of the United States electricity system from generation to end use.

ACC’s comments address our concerns about the surging number and expanding scope of coal-related federal regulations, particularly focusing on the serious negative implications of EPA’s CO2 emissions rules for new and existing power sector units. These rules would impose enormous costs and risks on American households and businesses.

ACC urges DOE to actively support electricity sector stakeholders to ensure that the fundamental objectives of providing safe, affordable, and reliable electricity in the U.S. can continue. Instead of overreaching regulations prescribed by EPA and others, an "all of the above" strategy using the abundance of America’s energy resources, advancing technology solutions, and remedying the policy disparity issue for coal is a far better approach.

ACC members and those involved in the coal industry are welcome to access these comments and ACC’s other regulatory filings via the Issues and Advocacy section of our website at