ACC Coal Q&A Webcast

The Effects of Volatility on the Natural Gas Markets.....
and Implications for Coal

Argus Media
Joe Graham, VP Americas Natural Gas, Electricity & Environmental Markets
Hayden Atkins, Coal Consultant
Thursday, April 14, 2016 ˜ 2-3 pm Eastern

Increased regulated gas markets combined with additional production have created an environment of low prices, low volatility, and a reduction in trading liquidity. The effect of high production costs in a low price market could be a drastic reduction in term gas supply. This could create the potential for significant increases in the structure of the natural gas market. The impacts may not be limited to just gas, as the relationship between coal and gas is as connected as it has ever been.
Join us as Joe Graham and Hayden Atkins discuss the importance of looking at the structural implications of natural gas markets... and what that means for coal. 
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There is no charge for members of the
American Coal Council, but pre-registration is required.
Non-members may register for a fee of $50.
Space is limited to the first 50 registrants. Register TODAY!