Know What's Below
DamageAccess: Cloud Based Reporting Service
PelicanCorp Canada
DamageAccess is an online tool that allows utilities and contractors to report both damages to underground utility facilities and violations of safe excavating practices that did not result in asset damage. It eliminates all manual handling of damage reports achieving greater accuracy in reporting to Public Utilities Regulatory Authorities, increasing efficiencies and improving visibility across all incidents.
For more information please visit
Reef Industries, Inc.
Joe Johnson Equipment Inc.
National News

Source: Today Ville/The Canadian Press |

“A significant pipeline event could have led to fatalities and injuries, environmental damage, and damage to and delays on this commuter train line.”

40 years as Canada's Premier Utility Contractor
Since 1978, we've delivered projects safely, on time and on budget. Valard has full-service capabilities for transmission, distribution, substations, foundations, telecommunications and renewable energy. In addition, Valard is head of the Valard Group of Companies, and part of the Quanta Group, the largest electrical power contractor in North America. We have the experience, knowledge and resources to take on any utility project, any size, any complexity, any place.
Learn More
Association News

"We hope to produce several of these animations," says Mike Sullivan, "but that will depend on whether or not the CCGA can sell enough licenses to pay for production of future animations."

To purchase your annual DigSafe animation license, go to the DigSafe Store. It's as easy as point and click!


Nous souhaitons produire plusieurs animations, mentionne Mike Sullivan, mais seulement si le CCGA réussit à vendre suffisamment de licences pour payer la création de futures animations.

Pour l’achat d’une licence annuelle de Creusez sans danger, cliquez sur le lien the DigSafe Store. 

Il suffit de cliquer et de pointer!

Regional Partners

Source: BCCGA |

Recognizing local governments for activities that improve ground disturbance, safe excavation techniques and best practice at or around underground infrastructure, in the year previous to the award.


Source: Info-Ex |

Info-Excavation tient à dire MERCI à tous ceux qui ont su mettre de l’avant nos messages de prévention d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Source: Info-Ex |

Rendez-vous sur notre site pour consulter la liste complète de nos
membres et de nos partenaires ou pour en apprendre plus sur Info-RTU.

Source: Info-Ex |

Nous sommes fiers d’avoir la participation de plusieurs personnes qualifiées pour remplir les mandats de nos 2 comités de travail.

Vivax Canada
ImpulseRadar USA Inc
Membership News

Source: Alberta One-Call |

This solution offers Alberta One-Call's registered members a cost-efficient way to organize, screen and respond to locate requests automatically.