the bottom LINE
April 2016
Greater efforts are being made by Community Colleges to get their students to complete their degrees in a reasonable amount of time and with as little debt as possible. To this end, AACC has created The Pathways Project to help colleges streamline their course offerings and create clear maps for students that will guide them toward careers and employment after college. Learn more
With the cost of tuition continuing to rise, community college can be a much more affordable option for some students who otherwise might not be able to get the education that they want or deserve. DeRionne Pollard, President of Montgomery College, highlights how affordability is a large barrier to higher education and how community colleges are making education more accessible. Learn more
MBS Direct
By Dr. Tangila Dove The CCBO Board held their spring board meeting in March at Disney's Contemporary Resort, the site of our 2016 Annual Conference. We are the business professionals of higher education. Engage with us in educational sessions that are specifically tailored to your needs. Meet and build relationships with your colleagues around the country.
By Kelsey Harmon Finn In this age of rapidly advancing technology an association’s time-to-value continues to shorten as we are measured against Google and Amazon. In order to keep competitive our information needs to be legitimate and unique, something that cannot be achieved through free online resources. Can this be found within a 30 second search, is it unique to us, and is it relevant to our members? These are the questions that need to be considered when planning for the future. So how is CCBO doing with its time-to-value metric?
Halo Branded Solutions
Wells Fargo
By Sharon Giddings Davis, Ph.D. Community college business officers of the past were once considered bean counters. Their job description could be encapsulated as ‘the people in the background that count the money, balance the books, and create the budget.’ The business officer, of yesterday, seldom ventured from their desk or interacted with others. Times have changed.
By Jerry Smith Higher education as we know it is changing. Learning is no longer a scheduled event that takes place in a classroom; it’s becoming a more student-centered activity that’s available anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Formal, face-to-face coursework is being replaced by or augmented with online and hybrid instruction, non-degree credentials, and life experiences. And success is no longer measured by the number of courses taken, seat time, and traditional grades but by students’ skills and competencies. While change is necessary for growth, community colleges across the nation are beginning to question whether their current IT organization can keep up.
Blackboard Inc.
Annual Conference
Suzette S. Senn, President-Elect & 2016 Annual Conference Committee Chair

Greetings from your 2016 CCBO Annual Conference Committee! We continue to prepare for our conference which will be held at Disney's Contemporary Resort, September 24 -27.  Our keynote speakers have been selected and will provide you with important information and inspiration. They are Dr. Ronald H. Rhames, President of Midlands Technical College; Dr. Bryan Albrecht, President of Gateway Technical College, and Chad Porter, Motivational Speaker from North Carolina. We will also offer over 20 educational sessions presented by your peers who will offer best practices as they relate to the finance and accounting world. I encourage you to promote this wonderful organization and assist us in growing our membership. The community college is our common thread in this organization. We need you and your many associates to join us and become a part of changing the world with the Community College Business Officers organization. See you in September!   

Register today and take advantage of a reduced conference and hotel registration. This year we will be at Disney's Contemporary resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL. We expect the hotel block to sell out quickly so book today to take advantage of the reduced rate!
Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services
Leadership Academy

The Academy provides an opportunity for current and aspiring community college business officers to enhance their knowledge on the various intricacies of the chief business officer leadership role. The Academy’s goal is to provide participants with the knowledge of best practices of leadership within a community college.The Academy is designed to train the next generation of Chief Business Officers and to provide current leaders with updated information on national issues facing community colleges. Learn more 

Did you know that all CCBO members have access to the CCBO Forum? Just log in at to access the group and begin posting today! Learn more
Renew your membership today to continue to take advantage of your CCBO benefits through 6/30/2017. If you have trouble renewing, or accessing your account, please contact the CCBO National Office at
Firehouse Subs



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