Spring Brings New Life

By Hans Weichhart 


As a sixth generation Californian, I am used to the landscape coming to life in the winter, a short period of blossoming in the spring and then turning that golden yellow for the rest of the year. Living in Virginia now, I've witnessed my first spring where the long barren winter landscape has come back to life in spectacular fashion, with deep greens and vibrant floral colors.

I can't help but feel like I'm bearing witness to the same sense of renewal with CCBO as we begin the new year. The leadership of this year's board has undergone a transformation of its own, bringing new people and new ideas to what CCBO has to offer its members in 2017, including an enhanced database system that improves member engagement and will allow for greater ease in cross-collaboration beyond institution and state lines.


The new partnership with Forecast5 Analytics was recently announced and already, both organizations are seeing positive results from that relationship. We look forward to the education and services that will be made available directly to our members in the coming months as a result of partnering with Forecast5.


Lastly, with a renewed commitment to enhancing the Leadership Academy as our flagship member benefit and serving as a more involved thought leader to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) and their Coalition of Affiliated Councils (COAC), we look forward to cementing CCBO as the desired professional association for the community college business officer for years to come.

Whether you get to see the same springtime renewal of nature from your part of the country or not, you're sure to see and be a part of the springtime renewal that CCBO is bringing to you, the members, whether that's through an educational webinar, signing up for the Leadership Academy, or joining us in New Orleans, September 23-26 for #CCBO17.