CSAE Association Agenda

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Congratulations, CAE® Graduates
Join us in applauding the following members for achieving their Certified Association Executive® (CAE®) designation. Welcome, new CAEs! 

Ryan, Acayan, CAE

Fiona Czeschel, CAE

Jeannette Leafloor, CAE

Asif Ahmed, CAE

Tracy Douglas-Blowers, CAE

Adam McDonald, CAE

Anna Barrera, CAE

Olga Klashtorny, CAE

Angelina Roorda,CAE

Summer Summit
July 13–15
Hosted by CSAE’s Trillium Network

Meet the Keynotes!
Don’t miss Michael Bach’s opening and Jennifer Spear’s closing keynote sessions at the Summer Summit. In addition, enjoy 24 concurrent sessions and networking opportunities in beautiful Muskoka. Group rate available.

CSAE 2022 Conference | Reunite
Book Your Booth Space
Recharge your business by engaging with decision-makers from associations and not-for-profit organizations both large and small. Space is limited, so book early.

Register to Attend
Get ready to reunite in Halifax, Oct. 19–22, 2022. Reconnect with colleagues, rejoice in celebration, refresh yourself with east coast favourites and rethink strategies to association leadership. Early bird deadline until July 31.

Call For Volunteers: CSAE Board of Directors and Board Committees
CSAE members: we’re accepting applications for the 2022-2023 CSAE Board of Directors and Board committees.

Register for the CAE® Fall Term
Gain critical association knowledge and skills through this fully online program. Sign up for the fall term today and get early access to the course materials.


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