Prosper U
What's Hot
This two-day intensive workshop will bring school leaders together to collaborate on improving the student experience and implementing best practices in your business, while touching on State Relations and the new audit guidelines. Meet with AACS’ leading Industry Partners to gain the latest information on their products and services that will assist you with putting new tools and skills to use in your business.

When you register for the 2018 School Leaders Summit by February 28, not only will you enjoy discounted early bird pricing ($100 off the regular rate), you'll also receive a complimentary registration to Capitol Hill Day (a $150 value).  

That's $250 in savings by registering early. Don’t wait – time is running out to take advantage of this special offer. Click here to sign up today!

Parents often talk about how tough it is to talk to teenagers, how their kids won’t say anything or listen to them. Let’s take a typical scenario: You want to talk to your teenage son about his "irresponsible" behavior (maybe it’s playing too many games, not doing his homework or neglecting his chores). You approach him by asking, "Can we talk?" He rolls his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh that says, "Here we go again." Both parties feel angry, helpless and confused. Talking is supposed to work, right? Except that it often doesn’t.

Communicating with teenagers is a skill we could all stand to fine-tune. After being a parent and working with children as a psychologist for more than 25 years, Shelja Sen learned there are five essential strategies that can make a huge difference in building a stronger connection.

The Latest and Greatest from Milady…
Milady, Cengage Learning
MindTap from Milady is the most innovative way to deliver your curriculum the way you want - making teaching easier and helping today’s learner succeed. Now available for every program, MindTap has no setup or hosting fees and tailored onboarding and training is included at no cost. Get outcomes you can count on – engaged students, earning better grades and achieving success!
Read more…
Member Benefits
How would a campus visit from an industry leader inspire your students, your staff, and the salons who hire your school’s grads? The Beauty Changes Lives Mentorship Experience is a fundraising challenge that allows your school to win a campus visit from one of hair styling’s most iconic professionals. In addition to the two schools raising the most funds, a "wild card" school winner will be selected in a random drawing. Meet the mentors and learn more about this opportunity available only to AACS member schools at All funds must be submitted by February 28, 2018.
Andis Company
Wahl Clipper Corporation
GRC News
Arizona’s Senate voted 21 to 8 last week to pass Arizona SB 1399. As previously reported, this measure would allow apprenticeships with the same hour requirements as the current course of instruction in a school – 1,500 hours for a barber, 1,600 hours for a cosmetologist, 1,000 hours for a hairstylist, 600 hours for an aesthetician, and 600 hours for a nail technician.  

Virginia’s Senate General Laws and Technology Committee voted 13 to 2 to favorably report HB 790 – its final step before consideration on the Senate floor. As previously reported, this deregulation measure will exempt persons working in a barbershop or cosmetology salon whose duties are confined to blow drying, cleansing, and styling hair from being required to obtain an occupational license.

Member Events
School owners and managers are so involved with the day-to-day business of student activity (admissions, instructing and placement) that they have no time to focus on the retail function of their business. Many schools feel that retail is non-essential and that this function is one that will just happen with minimal results. Yet the mastering of prescriptive sales is primary to the success of all students in the real world in establishing a solid client base. Schools have what the big box and department stores dream of, a multiple segment service module to attract the consumer. However, schools seldom realize the power they have in developing their retail business, which could give them a much needed, added revenue stream.

Presented by Aaron Sonnenschein of Dermalogica

If you register for the 2018 School Leaders Summit before February 28, you will receive early bird pricing AND a complimentary registration to Capitol Hill day, including all training sessions and special events. Take advantage of this amazing offer - click here to sign up today!

AACS is proud to announce that former U.S. Representative George Miller of California will be speaking at the 2018 School Leaders Summit in Washington D.C.
The primary focus of Mr. Miller’s session will be to provide guidance to the membership on what to expect while they visit their elected officials during the AACS Congressional Hill Day on Thursday April 12.
Rep. Miller served in Congress from 1975 until his retirement in 2015. During that time, he was a leading advocate on education, labor, the economy and the environment. From 2007 to 2010 as the Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor, he worked to strengthen the American middle class and create education and employment opportunities. In the 111th Congress, he helped craft President Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included investments to spur education reform like the Race to the Top program.
Join us in Washington D.C. for this exciting opportunity – sponsored by MiladyRegister here.

Members in the News
Don’t forget to renew your AACS Membership for 2018! As of January 1, 2018, membership dues have increased. If you have received an invoice, RENEW TODAY to take advantage of your 2017 pricing! You can even renew online for added convenience. 

If you have any questions, or would like to submit your payment over the phone, please contact Linda Williams or Glen Fernandez or call 800.831.1086 for more details.

What are your greatest challenges facing your institution today? Whatever they are, the performance of your institution relies on the performance of your employees.  AACS Online Training Center offers over 150 training courses to help you maximize employee performance. 

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