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June 24, 2015

Free VAWA Title IV Institution Compliance Webinar

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Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion that the institution can maintain as part of the documentation schools are required to collect under VAWA to demonstrate training of institutional staff regarding the new crime categories of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking established by VAWA and on institutional obligations generally. All participants must individually register in order to receive a Certificate of Completion

The training will include:
  • Best practices for conducting a Title IX investigation, including regarding sexual violence.
  • Details on the obligations imposed under VAWA for how staff responds to and supports victims of sexual violence.
Therefore, this training is appropriate either as general training for school staff about VAWA and/or as part of school’s required training offered to individuals involved in a school’s disciplinary process in any way, including those who are or will be involved in responding to any sexual violence allegations. 

As we will explain in detail on the webinar, one webinar alone may meet all of the training requirements for staff set forth in the new law, as level of training required varies based on the role the staff plays in responding to sexual violence. To assist institutions in meeting these new requirements, AACS is developing a  comprehensive training program for Title IV institutions that will be available starting in Fall 2015 and that will  provide additional training for staff involved in institutional disciplinary procedures for victims of sexual violence and how to identify resources within the local community to support sexual violence prevention efforts. We encourage institutions to take advantage of all training made available on this subject and to maintain documentation regarding such training.

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