Opportunities to Raise Your Own Bar |
 Tom Hill on the power of BOMA/NY seminars and the quality of our volunteers.
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At Deadline: Con Ed Rate Hike Joint Proposal Calls for Rate Freeze |
 As BOMAfacts went to press, we received this good news update from NYECC calling for a Con Ed rate freeze. Click here to read the latest assessment.
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The Pinnacle's Winning Edge: Better Team, Better Manager, Better Building |
 ... and bottom line, a major marketing advantage over the competition. Enter your nomination by May 29 for the award that says your management skills are the best in NYC.
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Survive, Communicate, Assist: A Building Staff's Mantra During an Active Shooter Incident |
 It's more than knowing individual response protocols and law enforcement actions; staff must also have a firm grasp on immediate actions that mitigate incident impacts. Learn all the details of active shooter protocols in this well-rounded seminar that marks the first time BOMA/NY has partnered with the NYPD to present the management/corporate perspective alongside the expertise of the NYPD.
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Three Times the Charm? |
 The Crown Jewel of Park Avenue claims Regional TOBY, moves on to the International competition, to be revealed at the June conference.
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Jen Ciccotto on Why Change Matters, Always Innovating and Being Fearless |
 BOMAfacts sat down with SL Green's Jennifer Ciccotto, RPA the 2015 Pinnacle Award Manager of the Year (3-10 years of experience), just as she took over the reins of 1185 Avenue of the Americas, also a Pinnacle winner. Here is her take on how to excel in the profession and what she likes best.
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BOMA/NY Calendar |
 Dates you won't want to miss including the annual favorite, the Golf Outing!
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Downtown's Bright Future: Making It Work |
 Downtown Alliance President Jessica Lappin stops by Board Meeting to brief Directors; cooperative effort started.
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Millions of $$$ in Rebates Still on the Table for Energy Projects |
 A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for major rebates from Con Ed and NYSERDA is in force for one more year and was covered at the recent Energy Action Day. To get in on this unprecedented chance to save energy and dollars, read more here...
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Three Free Seminars Created for You |
 It's just around the corner--your chance to learn and grow at one of the most important building events this year.
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BOMA 360 Makes the Best Stand Out From the Rest |
 BOMA 360 gives you a market and marketing edge, a 3rd party endorsement of quality and many other "plusses" NYC managers have yet to take advantage of. Get started today to put yourself ahead of the competition!
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Sustainable Growth Nationwide Predicted for the Next Three Years |
 National real estate growth trends look solid through 2017.
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Take Advantage of these RPA and FMA Accelerated Courses |
 Sign-up now for the accelerated version of Budgeting & Accounting available in May and Fundamentals of Facilities Management available in June.
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With this Kind of Support, The Kids Will be Alright! |
 It's all about helping the children this April, as BOMA/NY members help raise funds and awareness for developmentally challenged and disadvantaged youth.
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Stay Ahead of the Curve at the 2015 BOMA Every Building Conference & Expo. |
 Learn what it takes to create greater personal success at the industry's most important annual event... while going Hollywood!
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