Introducing our new BCSCA Executive Members!

At our annual conference in October, we held an election at our AGM. Several new members came onboard to join the BCSCA Executive and serve on your behalf. 

in the role of president, Jim Hooper from Maple Ridge has stepped up to fill the shoes of our retiring president, Vic Gladish. Lorrie Ann Reidel from Vanderhoof, has moved into the role of Vice President and Ren Morley has joined us from Surrey to be our Conference Chair.

From Coquitlam, Alexia Soukas has stepped forward to take on Professional Development chair, and Glen Preston from Chilliwack and Sharon Sall from Surrey are taking on Local Liason and Membership. We are also welcoming back our former Conference Chair into the Technology Chair. Dave Mackenzie of Vernon will be our webmaster and list serv administrator. 

We would like to thank all of our new Executive members for giving of their time, skills and experience to help us represent School Counselors across British Columbia and welcome them to the table. You'll be hearing more from them soon!