ABA Risk and Compliance
January 20, 2023
Banks benefit from understanding how risks unique to any unit affect others, defining how risks interact and ensuring that no risk program is executed in isolation.
Cybersecurity and credit risk are the top risk priorities for community banks, according to a recent survey by the Risk Management Association.
Thomson Reuters
Protections for mobile apps must have the capability to recognize and block the tools that criminals use and abuse to commit fraud.
1071: What Does the Final Rule Mean for Small Business Lenders
The CFPB has released the final rule implementing Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act. Ncontracts regulatory compliance experts have gone through all 800+ pages. Whether you're a commercial lender, compliance professional, or member of the C-suite, this webinar on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 1pm CST will help you understand what the Section 1071 final rule means for your team and how to move forward with confidence. 
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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau this week issued a circular warning that subscription services that automatically re-enroll customers may violate the law if they do not clearly disclose their terms and obtain consumer consent, or if they make it "unreasonably difficult" for consumers to cancel.
The Federal Reserve has provided additional details on how its upcoming pilot climate scenario analysis exercise will be conducted and the information on risk management practices that will be gathered from the program.
Winnow Solutions, LLC
Central banks seeking to rein in crypto risks could pursue strategies ranging from regulation to outright bans of the technology, all of which have pros and cons, according to a new bulletin by the Bank for International Settlements.
The most effective way to successfully fix issues at a bank that is "too large to manage" is to simplify by divesting businesses, curtailing operations and reducing complexity, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu said this week, adding that regulators must have "credible, transparent mechanisms" to compel those divestments when necessary.
Crisis Response Management: Decoded
Experian Partner Solutions®
In an age of infinite information where a company’s reputation can be destroyed in as little as 140 characters, it may seem difficult to bounce back from a crisis, but it is possible. Businesses that are prepared for natural disasters or other incidents can protect themselves from serious financial losses, and keep their reputation and customer loyalty intact, if they have the right tools.
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January 23 - February 24
Facilitated Training: Managing Funding, Liquidity and Capital

January 26
Webinar: The State of Risk and Compliance Management in Banking

January 29 - February 1
Conference: Insurance Risk Management Forum

January 31
Webinar: Digitizing FCC Investigations: Adding Robotics and Machine Learning

February 9
Webinar: Banking Digital Currency

February 15
Conference: MDI Partnership Summits
JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL

February 22
Webinar: What’s Your Plan for an Armed Assailant?