Rhode Island Rural Water Association Update

72 Evergreen Road, North Kingstown, RI 02852
401-413-3871, rirwa@rirwa.org

I would like to announce that in collaboration between NRWA and ASRWWA, the effort of standing up two individual state associations is well underway. We in Rhode Island have filed our Articles of Incorporation with the Office of the RI Secretary of State and have been recognized as Rhode Island Rural Water Association. We have also applied for and received our EIN from the IRS as a Non-Profit association. Our proposed budget has been forwarded to NRWA for review and comment along with our Plan to offer our membership uninterrupted services, training opportunities, and a plan for increased services in the coming weeks, months, and years. RIRWA will be launching our official website by the end of October, where our current and prospective members will find and access much information. Please feel free to address all questions regarding RIRWA by: email at RIRWA@RIRWA.org, telephone at (401)413-3871, or by mail to 72 Evergreen Road North Kingstown, RI 02852, while we anxiously await the launching of our website at which point there will be other means of communication available. We currently conduct monthly in person Board Meetings on the third Thursday of each month and we do post notifications of these meetings publicly and will be posting notifications on our website also, please contact us for more detailed information. I as always, encourage all interested to contact us and get involved as little or as much as you wish, this is an association of the membership and for the membership.

I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our RIRWA Board of Directors to you:

Thank you,
Jimmy J. Folco Jr.
President RIRWA