EPA Training and Techical Assistance Program

Training Specialists assist in diagnosing, troubleshooting, and identifying solutions to operational and compliance-related problems using NRWA’s nationwide pool of expertise. Hands-on training is the most effective method to help staff and decision-makers become more successful in operating their systems and better understand SDWA requirements. The SDWA Compliance Assistance Program is designed to strengthen the technical capacity in small water systems, ultimately reducing the number of systems out of compliance with health-based standards.

Conor’s background is in watershed science and ecological design, with water resources and environmental analysis degrees. Conor has experience with advancing innovative solutions for water and wastewater systems in both the private and nonprofit sectors. You can reach Conor at clally@asrwwa.org or cell number: 860-808-9439 if you have any questions about technical assistance, water operator training, or sourcewater protection.