ASBO Connects Newsletter RSS Feed. en-us Copyright 2024 9/20/2024 7:59:06 PM 20 Seatbelts on School Buses? One Professional's Thoughts <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />By: Les A. Douglas, Supervisor of Transportation, Anne Arundel County Schools Seatbelts save lives. The statement is at the core of what is probably the most successful public service campaign of all times. Since the 1960s and 70s the statement&rsquo;s simplicity and clarity have convinced millions of Americans to buckle up, saving what studies estimate to be between 11,000 and 13,000 lives each year in highway automobile accidents. And yet this simple message and incredible record of success have also served to convince the public that seatbelts are endowed with an almost mystical ability to save lives and prevent injury in roles which they were never designed or intended to serve.</p> 3/14/2017 4:08:20 AM The Growing Presence of Propane in Pupil Transportation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Propane autogas is the most widely used alternative fuel in world &mdash; powering more than 25 million vehicles worldwide.¹ While the U.S. lags in consumer acceptance, the school bus industry has seen signifi cant adoption of the fuel with a 269% increase in propane autogas buses sold between 2012 to 2014.² This paper explores the many reasons for a recent surge in school bus adoption, including quieter engines, lower emissions, and an overall savings that can be pumped back into the classroom.</p> 3/14/2017 4:20:25 AM Eight Tips for A Successful Construction Project <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />These basics can help improve the construction process and the final outcome. By Matt Malinowski, MPA, RSBA, PRSBA</p> 3/14/2017 4:27:41 AM Problem-Solving Tips for School Business Officials <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Solving complex problems made easier with a framework of action. By David Dolph, Ph.D.</p> 3/14/2017 4:34:18 AM Taking Control of Building Systems <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />District officials improved air quality by helping the buildings to "talk" to each other. By Matt Conrad</p> 3/14/2017 4:40:15 AM A Transparency Checklist for K&ndash;12 Administrative Software <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />School districts must report data while protecting sensitive information. Transparency is vital to doing both well.</p> 3/14/2017 4:44:19 AM Don&rsquo;t Blink: 90% Fat-Free and Framing Effects <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />This article, the seventh in a series on effective decision making, looks at how outcomes are framed. By Brian O. Brent, Ph.D., Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Nathan F. Harris, Ed.M.</p> 3/14/2017 4:50:36 AM Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />The Association of School Business Officials, Maryland and the District of Columbia (ASBO MD & DC), is excited to announce the establishment of the Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy. Allen was President of ASBO from 1963-1964 (Member #8) and, until last year, was still a leader in the association and serving on its Board of Directors. The Academy was developed in his honor in order to "give back" to the school systems that have supported our organization over the years. In so doing, we seek to pass on exceptional skills and professional connections to new staff members that would, in-turn, allow them to better serve their school systems and students. This Academy affords the opportunity for one person from each school system in MD & DC to attend the Allen Gaddis Leadership Academy &ndash; at no cost to the district. </p> 3/14/2017 5:28:19 AM;issueID=51704 ASBO MD&DC FREE WEBINAR SERIES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />Microsoft Excel Tips and Tricks MARCH 20, 2017 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm This Microsoft Excel webinar covers many of the most useful and powerful features you will need in a business office and or an educational office environment. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pro, you will come away with great techniques and strategies that will also save time and generate both highly functional and attractive documents. Time saving tips and little known tricks also be covered. Google Sheets users, no worries, everything that will be covered works in Google Sheets. </p> 3/14/2017 5:34:51 AM Nancy Codner Appointed to Board of Directors <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />The Board of Directors has consolidated the Paul B. Bell Award, the Fay Miller Education Leadership Eagle Institute Award, the Brice and Shirley Phillips Best Practice Award, and the Kenneth W. Nickoles Emerging Leader Award under the Awards Committee, chaired by Nancy Codner, Carroll County Public Schools and ASBO MD&DC Past President. Nancy has also been appointed to the Board of Directors.</p> 3/14/2017 3:20:45 AM;issueID=51704 Candidates for Election to the 2017-18 Board of Directors <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />The ASBO MD&DC Board of Directors will be submitting to the ASBO MD&DC membership nominations to serve on the Board in the coming year. The election will take place at the Spring Conference.</p> 3/14/2017 3:38:15 AM;issueID=51704 65th ANNUAL SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION NOW UNDERWAY! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />Join us on May 21st - 24th at the Ocean City Convention Center. Join us for three days of must attend sessions, networking and social activities. </p> 3/14/2017 5:04:31 AM Human Resources in Maryland Public Schools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />APRIL 21, 2017 - Register Today Foundations of Maryland School Business Management This workshop was established for all school business officials, for aspiring leaders in schools and support services, bookkeepers and new employees engaged in the purchasing activities including decision making process of those activities and the need of a working knowledge of the rules, principles, and procedures for governmental human resources as it applies to Maryland Local Education Agencies (LEAs). Attendees will benefit by gaining an understanding of the human resource requirements for Maryland School Districts. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of; Personnel and Benefits Administration; Professional Development; Labor Relations and Employment Agreements; Human Relations. </p> 3/14/2017 5:19:18 AM News from Washington County Public Schools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Change of Superintendent Superintendent Dr. Clayton Wilcox will be leaving the Washington County Public Schools on March 13th to become Superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg (North Carolina) school district. Charlotte-Mecklenburg is the 18th largest school system in the United States. Washington County&rsquo;s Deputy Superintendent Dr. Boyd Michael will serve as Interim Superintendent until June 30. Michael has also been named as the new Superintendent effective July 1. Dr. Michael has spent his entire career in Washington County, beginning as a teacher and serving as a high school Assistant Principal and Principal. He then served as the Director of High Schools prior to becoming the Deputy Superintendent. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland. Chief Financial Officer to Retire Washington County&rsquo;s Chief Financial Officer Chris South will retire effective July 1. South, a Registered School Business Administrator (RSBA), has been an active member of ASBO Maryland/DC since 1996, having served as the Liaison for Washington County since 2001. He also served as a Director-at-Large on the ASBO Board for two years. He has served as a Trustee to the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) Group Insurance Pool, the MABE Workers Compensation Fund, and the MABE OPEB Trust. He has served as Chairman of the OPEB Trust for the last six years. A graduate of the Johns Hopkins University, South also earned an MBA with a concentration in Accounting and Finance at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has served as the CFO at Washington County Public Schools for the last 21 years. Prior to moving into the education field, he worked in banking and hospital administration. He plans to spend his retirement traveling, working with the local Boy Scout troop, working on his model railroads, serving his church, and playing with his six grandchildren. He bids a fond farewell to all of his ASBO friends and colleagues. He will miss you all. </p> 3/14/2017 4:54:19 AM;issueID=51704 Barbara Baker Named Superintendent of Garrett County Public Schools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />The Garrett County Board of Education announced at its February 27th meeting that Ms. Barbara L. Baker will be the Superintendent of Garrett County Public Schools beginning July 1, 2017. She will continue to serve as Interim Superintendent until June 30, 2017.</p> 3/14/2017 5:01:12 AM;issueID=51704 Carroll County Public Schools Staff Change Announcement <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Carroll County Public Schools has announced some staff changes. Gwen Ruskey has been promoted to Payroll Officer, Terry Cannon to Budget Analyst Jill Kernan to Staff Accountant II Peter Demuth (Accounting Associate) and Nicole Eckert (Payroll Associate) have been newly added to the school system's school business operations. </p> 3/14/2017 4:13:00 AM;issueID=51704 Alban Named 2017 Maryland Superintendent of the Year <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />The Public School Superintendents&rsquo; Association of Maryland (PSSAM) named Frederick County Public Schools&rsquo; Superintendent Dr. Theresa R. Alban 2017 Maryland Superintendent of the Year at an event on Thursday, October 27. Dr. Alban now goes on to represent Maryland in the 2017 National Superintendent of the Year program, coordinated by the American Association of School Administrators.</p> 3/14/2017 4:01:31 AM;issueID=51704 Wilkes University Continues Partnership with ASBO MD&DC for School Business Master's Degree <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2017</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />For nearly three years, Wilkes University and ASBO MD&DC have partnered to offer a master of science degree in education with major in School Business Leadership. This online program is designed for working professionals managing the business of education, such as those working in transportation, food service, finance or public relations.</p> 3/14/2017 3:53:38 AM;issueID=51704 What's for Supper? Addressing Food Insecurity <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Many school districts are focusing on students' end-of-day nutrition. By Robert Ruder, Ed.D.</p> 1/16/2017 7:23:14 AM School Crisis Plans: Are You Prepared? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Developing emergency response protocols is a challenging yet critical aspect of schools leadership. By David A. Dolph, Ph.D.</p> 1/16/2017 7:24:56 AM Don't Blink: Loss Aversion <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />This article, the fifth in a series on effective decision making, looks at prospect theory. By Brian O. Brent, Ph.D., Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Nathan F. Harris, Ed.M.</p> 1/16/2017 7:27:04 AM A Procurement Officer's Quick-Guide to K-12 Suppliers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />A school business of&#64257;cial&rsquo;s shopping list can&rsquo;t be ful&#64257;lled at everyone&rsquo;s favorite one-stop shop. In your sphere of purchasing, you can&rsquo;t simply make a checklist, toss the needed items in a cart, and happily deliver the products to your district. Much more than scanned barcodes and &#64257;lled bags, buying for your district is more accurately characterized by research, negotiations, and contracts; however, that doesn&rsquo;t mean you don&rsquo;t share some similarities with the average shopper. U.S. Communities</p> 1/16/2017 7:38:44 AM Update on School Searches <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Education leaders must develop policies that ensure safety and comply with the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures. By Charles J. Russo, J.D., Ed.D.</p> 1/16/2017 7:40:34 AM Don't Blink: Base Rate Neglect and the Law of Small Numbers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />This article, the fourth in a series on effective decision making, looks at factors that affect decisions. By Brian O. Brent, Ph.D., Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Nathan F. Harris, Ed.M.</p> 1/16/2017 7:43:55 AM Lunch And Learn Webinars <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />A series of lunch time online workshops for business officials, business office staff and other non-instructional leaders FREE.</p> 1/16/2017 5:45:57 AM;issueID=51703 ASBO MD&DC 65th Annual Spring Conference <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />Be watching for registration to open soon for the ASBO MD&DC 65th Annual Spring Conference in Ocean City from May 21st to 24th. As always, there will be a host of education sessions to choose from that represent every area of school business, as well as a wide range of general interest topics like the Art of Coaching Teams, the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Leading and Working in Teams, and Maryland Legislative Update. There also will be updates on changes at the federal level, recent Maryland legislative actions that will affect school systems, and COMAR for Dummies (if you don&rsquo;t know what COMAR is, this one is for you and, even if you do, this one is still for you!). And back by popular demand, an update on a very popular session from the Fall Conference, Maryland School Construction: Current Challenges and Future Prospects - Martin Knott, the Chair of the 21st Century School Facilities Commission will be rejoining us. More details will be coming soon, as well as information on our Keynote Speaker.</p> 1/16/2017 6:21:44 AM;issueID=51703 65th Annual Spring Conference <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />May 21 - 24, 2017 Ocean City, MD SAVE THE DATES!</p> 1/16/2017 6:36:36 AM;issueID=51703 Foundation of Maryland School Business Management Courses <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />February 17, 2017 Pupil Transportation February 24, 2017 Facilities Management March 2, 2017 Finance March 3, 2017 Purchasing March 15, 2017 Food and Nutrition </p> 1/16/2017 6:39:37 AM B.I.G. Forums <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />February 2, 2017 Administration and Finance February 24, 2017 Food and Nutrition March 8, 2017 School Facilities and Construction March 24, 2017 Human Resources April 6, 2017 Internet Technology</p> 1/16/2017 6:41:46 AM Antwan Wilson named Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Mr. Antwan Wilson has been confirmed by the Council of the District of Columbia to serve as Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools. Mr. Wilson previously was Superintendent of Schools for the Oakland (CA) Unified School District.</p> 1/16/2017 6:48:30 AM;issueID=51703 ASBO International Meritorious Budget Awards <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Awarding Budget Presentation Excellence Congratulations! Cecil County Public Schools Baltimore County Public Schools Howard County Public Schools Board of Education of Wicomico County An esteemed distinction for over 20 years, the ASBO International Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) recognizes excellence in school budget presentations. Districts who successfully complete four MBA Criteria Checklist sections promote: Skills in developing and analyzing an effective budget, communication between departments to develop short and long-term strategies, clear budget guidelines, and building confidence in the community with a reader-friendly budget. </p> 1/16/2017 6:50:26 AM;issueID=51703 Caroline County Public Schools' Board Appoints Interim Superintendent <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Caroline County Public Schools&rsquo; Board Appoints Patricia Saelens, Ed.D. As Interim Superintendent (DENTON) December 27, 2016 &ndash; James Newcomb, President of the Caroline County Board of Education, announced that Superintendent of Schools, John D. Ewald, has resigned for personal reasons. The resignation is effective immediately. "The Board of Education appreciates the work Mr. Ewald did while in Caroline, and wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavors," said Newcomb. Mr. Ewald came to Caroline County in July 2015. The Board has appointed Dr. Patricia Saelens, current Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, as Interim Superintendent, pending approval of Maryland State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon. "Dr. Saelens has the full confidence of the board, and is well suited to lead the school system through this transition," Newcomb. The board will make decisions regarding a permanent appointment to the position in the coming new year. </p> 1/16/2017 7:08:19 AM;issueID=51703 National Procurement Institute Awards the Achievement of Excellence <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2017</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br /> Congratulations Montgomery County Public Schools! </p> 1/16/2017 7:18:44 AM Farm to School Program Brings Fresher Food to Lunch in Washington County <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />September saw schools' across Maryland taking part in Farm to School Week, which is one program that has helped improve school lunch nutrition by putting more fresh and local produce in students diets. From the</p> 11/13/2016 12:53:40 PM IRS Releases Final ACA Forms and Instructions for 2016 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The IRS recently released the final forms and instructions large employers will use to meet their 2016 Employer Mandate reporting obligations under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). </p> 11/13/2016 3:10:01 PM;issueID=51702 The Opt-Out Movement: Opposing Views <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The debate about state and federally mandated tests focuses on who controls public education. By: John Craven, Ph.D., Garrett Warshay, and Deidre Bassolino</p> 11/13/2016 1:00:27 PM Can You Spare Some Change? <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Preparation for and reaction to change can set the tone in your district and in the community. By: Mathhew Malinowski, MPA, RSBA, PRSBA</p> 11/13/2016 1:02:58 PM EDGAR's Strict Competition Rules: What You Need to Know <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Key guidance regarding the new regulations for federal purchasing. By: Nicole Neal </p> 11/13/2016 1:05:01 PM New Captain of the Ship? Tips for a Steady Course <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Strategies for taking the helm of your new position. By: Brian Moore, MBA, RSBS </p> 11/13/2016 1:10:48 PM Calling All Aspiring Writers! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />Has Hemingway always been an inspiration to you? Do you enjoy writing and sharing your knowledge and ideas with others? Why not contribute an article to the upcoming issue of ASBO Matters? If you would like to discuss a possible article or story, call John Lang, Executive Director, ASBO MD&DC at 410-608-0911 P.S. This also satisfies one of the requirements for the new ASBO MD&DC Professional Certification program.</p> 11/13/2016 3:37:03 PM;issueID=51702 Foundations of Maryland School Business Management- Elements of School Finance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br /> December 20, 2016 This workshop was established for all school business officials, for aspiring leaders in schools and support services, bookkeepers and new employees engaged in the accounting or bookkeeping activities including decision making of those activities and need a working knowledge of the rules, principles, and procedures for governmental accounting as it applies to Maryland Local Education Agencies. Attendees will benefit by gaining an understanding of Budgeting and Financial Planning, Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting, Cash Management, Debt Management, and Technology for School Finance Operations for Maryland School Districts.</p> 11/13/2016 2:28:18 PM;ts=1478954421 B.I.G. Pupil Transportation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />January 11, 2017 Best Ideas Group (B.I.G.) sessions are another opportunity to get together in an informal setting with colleagues in your particular area of school business to talk about solutions to nagging problems that you may be having, discuss new legislation and regulations and how you'll be complying with them, develop new contacts throughout ASBO MD&DC, and learn about how colleagues are meeting the challenges that all of you face as you support the teachers and students in the classroom. There is no set agenda. There will be several 'warm up' questions that attendees can suggest prior to the meeting, but the direction of the rest of the conversation is up to you.</p> 11/13/2016 2:39:48 PM;ts=1478951731 Foundations of Maryland School Business Management- Human Resources in Maryland Schools <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />January 13, 2017 This workshop was established for all school business officials, for aspiring leaders in schools and support services, bookkeepers and new employees engaged in the purchasing activities including decision making process of those activities and the need of a working knowledge of the rules, principles, and procedures for governmental human resources as it applies to Maryland Local Education Agencies (LEAs). Attendees will benefit by gaining an understanding of the human resource requirements for Maryland School Districts. Attendees will be able to demonstrate an understanding of; Personnel and Benefits Administration; Professional Development; Labor Relations and Employment Agreements; Human Relations. </p> 11/13/2016 2:49:32 PM;ts=1478954801 B.I.G. Safety/Security/Risk Management <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />January 23, 2017 Best Ideas Group (B.I.G.) Sessions are another opportunity to get together in an informal setting with colleagues in your particular area of school business to talk about solutions to nagging problems that you may be having, discuss new legislation and regulations and how you'll be complying with them, develop new contacts throughout ASBO MD&DC, and learn about how colleagues are meeting the challenges that all of you face as you support the teachers and student in the classroom. There is no set agenda. There will be several 'warm up' questions that attendees can suggest prior to the meeting, but the direction of the rest of the conversation is up to you. </p> 11/13/2016 2:52:47 PM;ts=1478951656 Foundations of Maryland School Business Management- Pupil Transportation <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />February 17, 2017 ASBO is about building leadership and management skills in our current and upcoming public school leaders which is critical to the efficiency of our profession. This workshop was established for all school business officials as well as aspiring leaders in schools and support services, to gain an understanding of Maryland School Transportation Management activities including those decision makers that need a working knowledge of the rules, principles, and procedures for transportation management in Maryland Public Schools as it applies to Maryland Local Education Agencies. Attendees will benefit by gaining an understanding of transportation management for Maryland School Districts. They will learn * How to support and maintain a student transportation program that adheres to all legal requirements; * Manage energy consumption and environmental aspects; * Ensure that the school bus maintenance and replacement program is established and maintained; * Develop a crisis management plan; * Monitor the student transportation program and make adjustments as marked; * Analyze alternative methods available for providing transportation; * Ensure an efficient and comprehensive routing system is developed and maintained; * Ensure a comprehensive plan is in place for training and retaining bus drivers; and * Communicate transportation needs to the public, administration, and state/provincial legislatures. </p> 11/13/2016 2:58:41 PM;ts=1478955319 U.S. Communities offers a range of educational and informational webinars to help your organization get the most out of cooperative purchasing. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />U.S. Communities offers a range of educational and informational webinars to help your organization get the most out of cooperative purchasing. Subjects vary from introductory U.S. Communities overviews to presentations addressing specific topics such as supplier offerings or e-commerce. Webinars are free but registration is required. New webinars are added on an ongoing basis so check back regularly. </p> 11/13/2016 1:39:38 PM Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />MCPS receives the Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award from the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI) for the fifth consecutive year.</p> 11/13/2016 12:37:45 PM;issueID=51702 North Point High School building service team earns Silver Hammer Award <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />More than 1,900 students &mdash; not to mention staff members and visitors &mdash; fill the nearly 225,900 square feet of North Point High School almost every day. "We go Monday to Sunday," said Alice Makle, the building service manager at the school. The dedication and attention to detail earned Makle&rsquo;s team the Silver Hammer Award for posting a 96 percent rating on a state inspection.</p> 11/13/2016 3:28:36 PM Lincoln and Leadership: Lessons for Today's Leaders <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 2016</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />What lessions can we learn from one of the United States' most-respected leaders?</p> 11/13/2016 1:34:16 PM SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM VIOLATIONS TAKE UNFORTUNATE JUMP, MSDE FINDS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />SURVEY SHOWS MANY DRIVERS IGNORE SCHOOL BUS WARNING</p> 9/6/2016 2:15:36 PM The Basic of Green Cleaning <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Green cleaning can reduce both risk and cost.</p> 9/6/2016 2:19:13 PM School Facilities: More Than Bricks and Mortar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Effective management of school facility construction, operation, and maintenance is critical to meeting district and community expectations</p> 9/6/2016 2:40:20 PM Energy Costs, Codes, and the Fine Lines in Between <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Energy codes can influence the health and welfare of students, faculty, and staff.</p> 9/6/2016 2:46:04 PM Smart School Safety: Implementing an Effective School Security Assessment <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />A comprehensive security assessment looks beyond cameras, locks, and metal detectors.</p> 9/6/2016 2:48:34 PM The RID Framework for School Security <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />By looking at relationships, infrastructure, and design, we can improve school security for all stakeholders.</p> 9/6/2016 2:50:33 PM SAVE THE DATE! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />The Fall Conference will be held on November 4th at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute. Visit to get descriptions of the 18 education sessions being presented and information about a great Keynote Speaker, Garrison Wynn</p> 9/7/2016 1:50:52 PM $2,407 Raised for Shriners Hospitals for Children in Philadelphia <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />At the Spring Conference this year, the charity selected for ASBO Cares was Shriners Hospitals for Children in Philadelphia. We raised $2,407 for this institution that does such wonderful work for kids in the Mid-Atlantic region who benefit so greatly from the care provided there.</p> 9/7/2016 2:59:51 PM;issueID=51701 BRICE AND SHIRLEY PHILLIPS BEST PRACTICE AWARD DEADLINE APPROACHING <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />The deadline for applying for the Brice and Shirley Phillips Best Practice Award is October 1st. Visit to learn how to apply and what the winner receives. HINT- it has something to do with the Spring Conference. Thanks to Johnson Controls for again sponsoring this award for innovative thinking.</p> 9/7/2016 2:02:57 PM Leslie Pellegrino Selected to Serve as ASBO Rep on Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />Leslie Pellegrino, ASBO Financial Oversight Chair and Chief Financial Officer, Frederick County Public Schools, has been selected by the ASBO Board of Directors to serve as the ASBO representative on the new Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education. This recognizes that ASBO deserves a seat at the table and provides a forum for local school systems direct input into Commission deliberations. This Commission has broad responsibility to make recommendations on enrollment counts, expansion of prekindergarten programs, equity in school finance formulas including base funding for all students and weighting of funding for students with special needs, and much more. We will update you when the Commission holds its first meeting and thereafter as it works towards its final report due December 31. 2017. ASBO will have a presence in Annapolis and will work with PSSAM and MABE to provide valuable information to our State legislators.</p> 9/7/2016 2:06:12 PM;issueID=51701 Leadership At A Turning Point <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />Chris Hauge, School Facilities Engineer, Certified School Business Administrator ASBO MD&DC Vice President </p> 9/6/2016 1:59:25 PM;issueID=51701 MABE Legal Services Association Seminar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />Student Data Protection & Electronically Stored Data Seminar</p> 9/7/2016 3:05:30 PM Tim Brooke Achieves Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations by ASBO International <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Timothy Brooke, ASBO Treasurer and Comptroller, Dorchester County Public Schools, has recently been named a Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations (SFO) by ASBO International. Tim had to pass two examinations to demonstrate his financial and school business prowess to earn this prestigious international certification. Congratulations, Tim!</p> 9/7/2016 1:56:05 PM;issueID=51701 AACPS Purchasing Office Receives National Procurement Institute 2016 Achievement of Excellence <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>September 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />The Purchasing Office, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, recently received the National Procurement Institute 2016 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award, for the fifth consecutive year. </p> 9/7/2016 2:00:42 PM;issueID=51701 21st Century Learning and Community Engagement <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Impact of an Innovative Learning Environment Extends Beyond the School Walls. By: Todd Bushmaker AIA, LEED AP</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM It's Time To Upgrade the K-12 Security Infrastructure <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Secure Schools Alliance was created to help mitigate the unprecedented number of security threats our schools face today. By: Robert Boyd</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM Finding a Financial Cure for Deferred Maintenance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />After years of putting off maintenance, facility managers must establish a strategic facility maintenance approach. By: Tammy Fulop</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM The Education Benefits of Improved IAQ <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Indoor air quality plays a role in healthy bodies and healthy minds. By: Eve London</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM What's Reshaping Education Funding- And What to Do About It <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The federal government is rewriting the rules of grant management- are you ready? By: Adam Roth</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM Navigating the Network Security Labyrinth <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Steps to making progress on the road to network security. By: Joel Dolisy</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM The Often-Forgotten Phase of Procurement: Contract Management <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Solicitation and selection are not the end of the procurement process. By: Karen Smith, MBA, CFE, SFO</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM Don't Blink: Making "Sound" Decisions <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />What factors play into the decision-making process? By: Brian O. Brent, Ph.D., Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Nathan F. Harris, Ed.M.</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM Students and Social Media- Beyond Facebook <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />What apps are students using now that Facebook is "dead" to them? By: Michael Johnston</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM Education Department Announces School Improvement Grants for 16 States <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Awards Focus on Turning Around Lowest Performing Schools June 23, 2016 Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576,</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM 2016 Spring Conference Summary <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />"It&rsquo;s a great conference!" "I&rsquo;m learning a lot." "Wish my coworkers could be here with me." "It&rsquo;s really hard to decide what sessions to go to!" These are some of the comments we heard at the 64th Spring Conference in May at the Ocean City Convention Center from the 350 registered for the annual event. There were a number of exciting changes this year. Hotel accommodations were shifted to four of the Harrison Group oceanfront hotels (and the Bayside Princess was still available for those who prefer the bay side) and the Sunday Night Welcome Gala, held in the beautifully decorated ballroom (thanks Conference Arrangements Committee!) of the conference hotel, the Holiday Inn at 67th Street, was attended by 440 members. Our business meetings and keynote speakers shifted to the new Performing Arts Center at the convention center and over 250 attended the ASBO Night Out (Monday night this year) at Phillips. And, for the first time, conference goers could download a mobile app and create their own schedule, stay on top of what was trending at the conference, and post comments about what they found particularly interesting at the 48 education sessions.</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM;issueID=54837 Please Welcome our New Directors At Large <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br /> The Board approved the following ASBO Members to fill the Director At Large Positions on the ASBO MD/DC Board of Directors. Tim Thornburg Mr. Thornburg is the Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations at Howard County Public Schools. He has been an ASBO member since 2006. Bridgette Hurt Ms. Hurt is the Coordinator Special Projects, Business Operations for DC Public Schools. She has been an ASBO member since 2014 and a liaison since 2015.</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM;issueID=54837 Kenneth W. Nikoles Award Established <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />This year, ASBO established a new Award to recognize Ken Nickoles&rsquo; accomplishments, dedication to ASBO, and commitment to its ideals and those of the school business official profession - the Kenneth W. Nickoles Emerging Leader Award. Ken (member number 21) retired from the District of Columbia Public Schools as Director, Office of Labor Relations after 27 years of service, including being spokesperson on all matters involving labor relations. He also developed the first drug testing program for school employees in the nation. Ken has served in every leadership role in ASBO MD&DC, starting as an Assistant Section Director and Assistant Liaison, up through President in 1981. He has not missed a single Spring Conference until a hospital stay kept him away in 2015. As he did here in his home state, Ken worked his way up through the ranks at ASBO International and was elected President in 1993, only one of two members of our organization to ever have attained this leadership role. Ken is the epitome of a leader and his dedication to ASBO values are not exceeded by anyone.</p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM;issueID=54837 Getting to the Head of the Class <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />Published in Constructor Magazine March/April Issue Building schools and higher education institutions today is a much more collaborative effort than in the past, with technology as the main driver. </p> 7/19/2016 11:18:56 AM 21st Century Learning and Community Engagement <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Impact of an Innovative Learning Environment Extends Beyond the School Walls. By: Todd Bushmaker AIA, LEED AP</p> 7/13/2016 12:23:34 PM It's Time To Upgrade the K-12 Security Infrastructure <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Secure Schools Alliance was created to help mitigate the unprecedented number of security threats our schools face today. By: Robert Boyd</p> 7/13/2016 12:27:10 PM Finding a Financial Cure for Deferred Maintenance <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />After years of putting off maintenance, facility managers must establish a strategic facility maintenance approach. By: Tammy Fulop</p> 7/13/2016 12:29:40 PM The Education Benefits of Improved IAQ <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Indoor air quality plays a role in healthy bodies and healthy minds. By: Eve London</p> 7/13/2016 12:32:01 PM What's Reshaping Education Funding- And What to Do About It <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The federal government is rewriting the rules of grant management- are you ready? By: Adam Roth</p> 7/13/2016 12:33:54 PM Navigating the Network Security Labyrinth <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Steps to making progress on the road to network security. By: Joel Dolisy</p> 7/13/2016 12:35:24 PM The Often-Forgotten Phase of Procurement: Contract Management <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Solicitation and selection are not the end of the procurement process. By: Karen Smith, MBA, CFE, SFO</p> 7/13/2016 12:41:01 PM Don't Blink: Making "Sound" Decisions <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />What factors play into the decision-making process? By: Brian O. Brent, Ph.D., Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Nathan F. Harris, Ed.M.</p> 7/13/2016 12:44:28 PM Students and Social Media- Beyond Facebook <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />What apps are students using now that Facebook is "dead" to them? By: Michael Johnston</p> 7/13/2016 12:48:46 PM Education Department Announces School Improvement Grants for 16 States <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Awards Focus on Turning Around Lowest Performing Schools June 23, 2016 Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576,</p> 7/13/2016 1:00:14 PM 2016 Spring Conference Summary <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />"It&rsquo;s a great conference!" "I&rsquo;m learning a lot." "Wish my coworkers could be here with me." "It&rsquo;s really hard to decide what sessions to go to!" These are some of the comments we heard at the 64th Spring Conference in May at the Ocean City Convention Center from the 350 registered for the annual event. There were a number of exciting changes this year. Hotel accommodations were shifted to four of the Harrison Group oceanfront hotels (and the Bayside Princess was still available for those who prefer the bay side) and the Sunday Night Welcome Gala, held in the beautifully decorated ballroom (thanks Conference Arrangements Committee!) of the conference hotel, the Holiday Inn at 67th Street, was attended by 440 members. Our business meetings and keynote speakers shifted to the new Performing Arts Center at the convention center and over 250 attended the ASBO Night Out (Monday night this year) at Phillips. And, for the first time, conference goers could download a mobile app and create their own schedule, stay on top of what was trending at the conference, and post comments about what they found particularly interesting at the 48 education sessions.</p> 7/13/2016 3:58:29 PM;issueID=43699 Please Welcome our New Directors At Large <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br /> The Board approved the following ASBO Members to fill the Director At Large Positions on the ASBO MD/DC Board of Directors. Tim Thornburg Mr. Thornburg is the Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations at Howard County Public Schools. He has been an ASBO member since 2006. Bridgette Hurt Ms. Hurt is the Coordinator Special Projects, Business Operations for DC Public Schools. She has been an ASBO member since 2014 and a liaison since 2015.</p> 7/13/2016 1:29:24 PM;issueID=43699 Kenneth W. Nikoles Award Established <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />This year, ASBO established a new Award to recognize Ken Nickoles&rsquo; accomplishments, dedication to ASBO, and commitment to its ideals and those of the school business official profession - the Kenneth W. Nickoles Emerging Leader Award. Ken (member number 21) retired from the District of Columbia Public Schools as Director, Office of Labor Relations after 27 years of service, including being spokesperson on all matters involving labor relations. He also developed the first drug testing program for school employees in the nation. Ken has served in every leadership role in ASBO MD&DC, starting as an Assistant Section Director and Assistant Liaison, up through President in 1981. He has not missed a single Spring Conference until a hospital stay kept him away in 2015. As he did here in his home state, Ken worked his way up through the ranks at ASBO International and was elected President in 1993, only one of two members of our organization to ever have attained this leadership role. Ken is the epitome of a leader and his dedication to ASBO values are not exceeded by anyone.</p> 7/13/2016 1:40:28 PM;issueID=43699 Getting to the Head of the Class <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>July 2016</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />Published in Constructor Magazine March/April Issue Building schools and higher education institutions today is a much more collaborative effort than in the past, with technology as the main driver. </p> 7/13/2016 1:46:55 PM COLLABORATIVELY REDESIGNING RETIREE HEALTHCARE* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />A committed collaboration pays dividends for a district and its employees By Erik Kass, Mark Hansen, and Ken Zastrow HUMAN RESOURCES | April 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/16/2016 8:19:42 AM DIFFERENTIATING TEACHERS&rsquo; PAY* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Districts should take several factors into account as they shift toward differentiated pay for teachers. By Karen J. DeAngelis, Ph.D., and Linh Dang HUMAN RESOURCES | April 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/16/2016 8:26:22 AM FAQs OF PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />As districts look to save money and energy, they should consider performance contracting. Here are some questions, answers, and advice. By Erin Green Erin Green, an educational consultant for Performance Services Inc., ANCILLARY| April 2016| School Business Affairs </p> 5/16/2016 8:34:57 AM SUPREME COURT DOCKET PREVIEW: ARE CHANGES IN THE OFFING?* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Two education related cases continue to be topics of discussion at the Supreme Court. By Charles J. Russo, J.D., Ed.D. LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE | April 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/16/2016 8:40:22 AM THE CLEAN POWER PLAN: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />New EPA ruling may significantly affect school districts. By Arthur Harrington and Jon Anderson ANCILLARY SERVICES | April 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/16/2016 8:43:51 AM AN OVERVIEW OF EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Every Student Succeeds Act may dramatically change education in some districts. Here are the highlights in a nutshell. By Charles J Russo, J.D., Ed.D LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE | MARCH 2016 I School Business Affairs </p> 5/17/2016 7:20:05 AM AUTOMATING TECHNOLOGY AUDITS* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Managing technology effectively requires a technology audit. Knowing what assets you have, how they&rsquo;re used, and who is using them is critical to efficient and cost-effective asset management, especially when budgets are tight. By Sam Zippin TECHNOLOGY | March 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/17/2016 7:27:06 AM PROTECTING STUDENT PRIVACY IN A TRUSTED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Privacy often a contentious issue that raises deeply held fears, continuing to be a primary concern for school Districts. Concerns about privacy have been rising in the United States since the revelations of the National Security Agency&rsquo;s electronic monitoring, the theft of Target customers&rsquo; credit card data, and the shuttering of student data platform inBloom By Keith R. Krueger TECHNOLOGY| March 2016 | School Business Affairs </p> 5/17/2016 12:17:20 PM REFRESHING THE SCHOOL MENU* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Educating young people about eating healthy begins at home, but it is important for schools to reinforce that message during the school day by providing fresh, local foods to the district&rsquo;s food services program. By Aubrey Kirkpatrick ANCILLARY SERVICES | March 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/17/2016 12:24:18 PM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Why more and more districts are turning to strategic resource management solutions to track their resources, drive accountability, prevent losses, and create greater efficiency.Strategic resource management solutions keep track of resources across the district. By Bruce Hamilton TECHNOLOGY | March 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/17/2016 12:36:28 PM;_Learning_Effectiveness.pdf TOO HOT, TOO COLD, TOO EXPENSIVE:ENERGY, HVAC, AND MORE*,_Too_Cold,_Too_Expensive.pdf <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The challenge of keeping everyone comfortable&mdash;not too hot and not too cold, not too damp and not too dry&mdash;while trying to keep energy expenses down may seem like a lofty goal. Trying to provide energy efficiency and human comfort for hundreds of students or a significant number of community members, all within a school with a significant footprint. Providing efficient energy and a comfortable climate&mdash;it can be done! By Jody Andres, AIA LEED AP FACILITIES | March 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/17/2016 12:48:00 PM,_Too_Cold,_Too_Expensive.pdf WILL TRANSFORMED TEACHING AND LEARNING BREAK YOUR NETWORK?* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Instructional technology is great&mdash;if the infrastructure can handle it. To meet the national connectivity goal for 2017, a district of 10,000 students will need 1 gigabit per second of capacity for its network. By Marie Bjerede TECHNOLOGY |March 2016 | School Business Affairs</p> 5/17/2016 12:50:59 PM;_Learning_Break_Your_Network.pdf MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT BRINGS ITS "WASTE-FREE LUNCH CHALLENGE" TO CHURCHVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN HARFORD COUNTY <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles had lunch with students at Churchville Elementary School in Harford County today to celebrate Earth Week and participate in the Department&rsquo;s "Waste-Free Lunch Challenge." The Waste-Free Challenge encourages students to avoid packing lunches that create waste that cannot be recycled or composted. The Secretary, along with employees from the Department, discussed the three R&rsquo;s - reduce, reuse and recycle - and how the students and parents can implement these practices when preparing their lunch.</p> 5/17/2016 1:35:25 PM;issueID=43698 SCHOOL FOOD AND NUTRITION FOUNDATION CLASS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />There is still time to register for the June 10, 2016 School Food and Nutrition Foundation class!</p> 5/17/2016 3:00:26 PM;ts=1433519444 NEW DIRECTOR OF FACILITY SERVICES IN WICOMICO COUNTY <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Robert A. Souza is the new Director of Facility Services, Maintenance/Operations/Energy, in Wicomico County Public Schools Born and raised in Rhode Island, graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Landscape Design and Turf Grass Science. Worked in multiple architectural firms in Rhode Island until being employed on the design/admin staff with The State of Connecticut Office of Parks and Recreation. Worked for a national home building company in North Carolina before moving to the eastern shore of Maryland in 1996. From 1996 to the end of 2015 Robert was the Executive Director of Facilities for Harrington Raceway and Casino, with responsibilities for all design/construction, maintenance and utility management. He has served on multiple Boards to include Wicomico County Habitat for Humanity, Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce and Saint Peter&rsquo;s Episcopal Church. He and his wife Debra live in Salisbury and have one son Daniel.</p> 5/13/2016 1:25:54 PM;issueID=43698 SUPERVISOR, FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES CECIL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, RETIRES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Kathleen Thomas, Supervisor, Food and Nutrition Services, Cecil County Public Schools has announced her retirement. Kathy was the ASBO Liaison and we thank her for her volunteerism. </p> 5/17/2016 3:53:52 PM;issueID=43698 BALTIMORE COUNTY ACCOLADES AND CHANGES! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />John Ander, Administrator &ndash; Office of Maintenance, Grounds and Logistics, will be leaving Baltimore County and heading for Anne Arundel County Public Schools at the beginning of May. BCPS ASBO members wish John well in his future endeavors and look forward to continue working with John in his new role. Carol Yingling, Office of Purchasing has received a promotion and is now a Technical Trainer with the Office of Organizational Development. Baltimore County Public Schools is excited to announce for the first time the middle and high school students across the county elected to propose Aislinn Bratt of Towson High School as the new student member of the Board. Her appointment is pending approval by Gov. Larry Hogan. </p> 5/19/2016 7:25:24 AM;issueID=43698 WICOMICO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT DR. JOHN FREDERICKSEN RETIRES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Congratulations Superintendent Dr. John Fredericksen who is retiring. </p> 5/19/2016 8:18:42 AM;issueID=43698 NEW SUPERINTENDENT IN WICOMICO STARTS ON JULY 1, 2016 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Wicomico County announces the new Superintendent, Dr. Donna Hanlin, will be starting in her new position on July 1, 2016 </p> 5/19/2016 8:21:14 AM MANAGED PRINT SERVICES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>May 2016</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />In this Think About It article, Steve Starmer at Frederick County Public Schools noted that schools and offices had no guidelines for the ratio or type of machine recommended for certain functions, resulting in a wide range of type and availability of copiers and printers. How did they correct the issues? This article was a submission by Steve was a Brice and Shirley Phillips Best Practices nomination. </p> 5/18/2016 2:51:21 PM FOUR THINGS EVERY DISTRICT HR DIRECTOR SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE ACA * <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The Affordable Care Act changes the rules of the game in school districts. By Glenn Clayton </p> 3/7/2016 2:08:35 PM EMERGENCY RESPONSE: PREPARING FOR A CRISIS* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Leveraging technology to be better prepared for emergency situations. By Steve Waldmann and Tom Strasburger</p> 3/7/2016 2:09:55 PM IT&rsquo;S CHALLENGING TIMES FOR STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />District leaders are challenged to provide adequate school-based health services with shrinking budgets. By Richard Weeks, RSBA</p> 3/7/2016 2:35:27 PM LET&rsquo;S SELL FOOD! FOOD FUNDRAISING PARAMETERS AND LEGAL OBLIGATIONS* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />It pays to understand state and federal laws associated with food-related fundraising. By Brett Geier, Ed.D.</p> 3/7/2016 2:46:23 PM TEACHERS UNIONS, THE RIGHT TO WORK, AND FAIR-SHARE AGREEMENTS*,_the_Right_to_Work,_and_Fair-Share_Agreements.pdf <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The status of collective bargaining in public education has been in an almost constant state of &#64258;ux over the past few years. By Charles J. Russo, J.D., Ed.D </p> 3/7/2016 2:49:13 PM,_the_Right_to_Work,_and_Fair-Share_Agreements.pdf WORK-LIFE BALANCE IN THE REAL WORLD* <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Tips for living your life with a sense of peace and balance. By Simma Lieberman</p> 3/7/2016 2:50:27 PM FOSTERING A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY IN SCHOOLS: GETTING TO THE "WHY" <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />"What is desperately needed [in education] are (1) faculty and administrators who provide role models of integrity, care, and thoughtfulness, and (2) institutions capable of embodying ideals wholly and completely in all of their operations." &ndash;David Orr, What is Education For?</p> 3/8/2016 11:55:16 AM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NAMES COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO DRAFT PROPOSED REGULATIONS FOR EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />March 4, 2016 The U.S. Department of Education today named committee members who will draft proposed regulations in two areas of Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This is the latest step in the process of implementing ESSA.</p> 3/8/2016 11:58:45 AM PRESIDENT OBAMA'S 2017 BUDGET SEEKS TO EXPAND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL STUDENTS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />On February 9, 2016, the Obama Administration released a fiscal year 2017 budget that makes crucial investments building on the Administration's work to advance educational equity and excellence, support teachers and school leaders, and promote college access, affordability and completion.</p> 3/8/2016 12:02:50 PM SPECIAL EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENT PROVIDES A LESSON IN SOCIAL JUSTICE <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />After an announcement of a new effort to address widespread disparities in the treatment of students of color with disabilities, two educators were asked to react to the news, drawing on their own experiences as special education teachers. </p> 3/8/2016 12:06:33 PM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AWARDS NEARLY $300,000 TO BALTIMORE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students awarded Baltimore City School District a Project School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV) grant totaling $292,647. The grant will be used to assist with ongoing recovery efforts following the unrest in Baltimore in April 2015.</p> 3/8/2016 12:08:26 PM Just a note..... <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Messages From The Board</em></strong><br />Ken Nickoles, Past ASBO MD&DC President (1981-1982), Past ASBO International President (1993-1994), and the first recipient of the Paul B. Bell Award (1996) continues his recovery from a very stubborn infection resulting from hip surgery last fall. Ken has just had his sixth surgery in 2016 and is currently in Sinai Hospital. He and his family are requesting your prayers during these trying times. Get Well wishes may be sent to him at 17516 Shenandoah Court, Ashton, MD 20861.</p> 3/9/2016 10:14:43 AM;issueID=43697 CHARLES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS NAME NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>March 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Charles County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Hill has named Randy Sotomayor as the new Executive Director of the Office of Finance and Business for Charles County Public Schools. Randy Sotomayor began working for Charles County Public Schools in 1996. He became a member of the Association of School Business Officials MD&DC in 1996 and has served as the Treasurer of ASBO MD&DC for two years. Randy Sotomayor will officially step into the role of Executive Director on May 1, following the retirement of Paul Balides, the current Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Business, who has been with the Charles County Public School System since 1995.</p> 3/7/2016 1:35:51 PM 2016 LEGISLATIVE SESSION - MARYLAND GOVERNOR LARRY HOGAN INSISTS EDUCATION CUTS AREN'T COMING <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan insisted Wednesday that education spending isn't in the cross-hairs as the General Assembly prepares to convene for the 2016 legislative session. </p> 1/13/2016 10:38:14 AM KEVIN KAMENETZ'S 2016 GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRIORITIES INCLUDE FUNDING FOR SCHOOLS, ROADS <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Featured Articles</em></strong><br />Kamenetz hopes to get $133 million in state school construction money to match county money for expanding and renovating schools, including adding air conditioning.</p> 1/13/2016 10:41:48 AM IRS ISSUES DELAY IN REQUIREMENTS TO FURNISH FORMS 1094 AND 1095 UNDER ACA. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />On December 28, 2015, the IRS announced an extension of the due dates for 2015 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) information reporting by employers, insurers, and other reporting entities.</p> 1/12/2016 10:42:35 AM;issueID=43696 DELAY OF CADILLAC TAX <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>What's New at ASBO</em></strong><br />Effective January 1, 2018, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes a 40% non-deductible excise tax on high cost health plans (sometimes called the "Cadillac Tax"). The Cadillac Tax is imposed on the excess value which is the amount by which the value of the health coverage exceeds specified threshold amounts.</p> 1/12/2016 10:56:08 AM;issueID=43696 MARCH 3, 2016 - BEST IDEAS GROUP (B.I.G) PURCHASING <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 03, 2016 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Board Room 2644 Riva Road |Annapolis, MD 21401 </p> 1/13/2016 11:06:06 AM;ts=1436803843 MARCH 9, 2016 - BEST IDEAS GROUP (B.I.G) SCHOOL FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 09, 2016 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Board Room | 2644 Riva Road | Annapolis, MD 21401 </p> 1/13/2016 11:11:16 AM;ts=1444749677 MARCH 18, 2016 - FOUNDATIONS OF SCHOOL PURCHASING <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 18, 2016 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools Professional Growth & Development Center 2671 Carver Road | Gambrills, MD 21054</p> 1/13/2016 11:26:09 AM;ts=1433518966 MARCH 23, 2016 - BEST IDEAS GROUP (B.I.G) SCHOOL FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 23, 2016 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Board Room | 2644 Riva Road | Annapolis, MD 21401 </p> 1/13/2016 11:14:53 AM;ts=1444662383 MARCH 30, 2016 - BEST IDEAS GROUP (B.I.G) HUMAN RESOURCES <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 30, 2016 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Board Room 2644 Riva Road |Annapolis, MD 21401</p> 1/13/2016 11:21:00 AM;ts=1444662438 MARCH 31, 2016 - BEST IDEAS GROUP (B.I.G) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />March 31, 2016 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM | Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Board Room 2644 Riva Road |Annapolis, MD 21401 </p> 1/13/2016 11:23:08 AM;ts=1436803794 2016 LEGISLATIVE SESSION OPENS JANUARY 13, 2016 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Calendar of Events</em></strong><br />The General Assembly is Maryland's legislative body and directly represents the electorate. The state has 47 districts represented by 47 Senators and 141 Delegates. The Legislature enacts laws necessary for the welfare of the State's citizens and certain laws dealing with counties and special taxing districts.The Legislature meets in regular session for 90 calendar days each year beginning the second Wednesday in January to act on more than 2500 pieces of legislation and the State's annual capital and operating budgets.</p> 1/13/2016 10:59:24 AM WICOMICO COUNTY WELCOMES NEW STAFF <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Awards & Accolades</em></strong><br />Robert Souza is the new Director of Facility Services for Maintenance, Operations and Energy. Leisl Ashby is now the Director of Facility Services for the Planning and Construction. Matt Auchey is the new Facility Planner</p> 1/12/2016 8:38:44 AM;issueID=43696 EARN A DEGREE ONLINE - WITH WILKES UNIVERSITY AND ASBO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 2016</a> -- <em>Something To Think About</em></strong><br />Wilkes University and has developed a series of very affordable advanced courses for school business officials. Learn more about a degree program that will prepare you for the challenges you face every day in the challenging, evolving world of school business.</p> 1/13/2016 12:36:46 PM