To Education Organization Leaders:
On behalf of Dr. Lillian Lowery, we are delighted to let you know that Maryland Public Television (MPT) has produced several Common Core video interstitials (formerly known as PSA spots). We believe they are very effective in communicating our key messages in a brief, easy-to-understand format. They will begin to air on MPT within the next week or two. At the link below you will find a webpage with each of the final interstitials. On each page there are also links to various requested versions/formats, which you can download, embed, etc.  The short spots are wonderful to lead into discussions about the Common Core and can be embedded into a power point or shown alone as an quick introduction. We will be posting the spots on our website. We have also received approval from MPT to show the video spots on local education channels.
Here is the link: We hope you will forward this information to your constituents as you deem appropriate. Thank you for helping us to keep our stakeholders informed about Common Core.
Maureen Moran, Director of Communications
Office of Communications, Partnerships, and Grants
Maryland State Department of Education
410.767.0477 voice | 410. 333.2275 fax |
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