Over the past decade, advancements in technology and mapping have improved the way locate requests are submitted to one-call/notification centres. Today, and like so many other services that have migrated to an online interface, the vast majority of locate requests in Canada are submitted via the web. The process isn’t only convenient, it reduces damage to buried utilities.
I’ve spent many years telling my agents that “September is just May, but later in the year.” Less generally, September is often the time of year where we tend to see a moderate amount of employee attrition; some agents go back to school (for those starting a new career path), some first-year agents have had a large enough sample size to determine that the job just isn’t for them, and some – by incident or necessity – have to leave. This, of course, results in a “busier month,” not due to increased calls (though homeowners rushing to complete their work before first frost is a contributor), but by a smaller workpool.
Over the last three months, we have posted articles announcing the new Utility Safety Partner Industry Recognition Awards, with spotlights on Excavator of the Year and Locator of the Year. This month, we introduce the Member of the Year award.
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In the world of modern industry and construction, safety is paramount. The importance of adhering to rigorous safety standards cannot be overstated, particularly when it comes to ground disturbance operations. Ground Disturbance 101 and 201 training courses are essential components of maintaining safety in high-risk environments.
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The fall equinox marks the sun’s crossing above Earth’s equator, moving from north to south. This year, the equinox fell at 1:04 UTC Sept. 23, 2023, which was 6:04 p.m. Sept. 22 for us Mountain Standard Time folks.
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Getting to this point of safety and environmental stewardship took over a hundred years of study and collaborative advancements in engineering, technology, agricultural and socio-economic development, safety and environmental science. Today, Canada is revered globally for its best-in-class pipeline design, construction and operational standards.
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Large Project tickets are for areas larger than 60,000 square meters in urban areas, or larger than 800,000 square meters in rural areas. They are designed for pre-planned jobs which continue over a significant area and length of time. The large scope of these projects typically requires a planning meeting between excavators and affected facility owners in the area before locates are requested. These planning meetings allow the excavator and locator an opportunity to understand the complexity of the site and the project timeline, and plan a schedule that accommodates both parties.
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Leaves are turning yellow, the cool mornings remind us to grab our jackets, and we can’t avoid the thought that winter is just around the corner. With summer fleeting and the increased urgency to finish our summer projects before the frost sets in, we could all use a vacation. If you are like me, you are already missing the hot summer sun and dreaming of sitting on a beach. Maybe you are looking forward to the snow so you can once again pull out your snowboard. Either way, two roundtrip tickets to anywhere WestJet flies in Canada or the U.S. sounds pretty good right about now, right?
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