Early Bird Deadline: Oct. 7, 2023 — USP’s 40th Anniversary and Safety Conference.

By Kassi Zaba - Public Awareness Coordinator

Leaves are turning yellow, the cool mornings remind us to grab our jackets, and we can’t avoid the thought that winter is just around the corner. With summer fleeting and the increased urgency to finish our summer projects before the frost sets in, we could all use a vacation. If you are like me, you are already missing the hot summer sun and dreaming of sitting on a beach. Maybe you are looking forward to the snow so you can once again pull out your snowboard. Either way, two roundtrip tickets to anywhere WestJet flies in Canada or the U.S. sounds pretty good right about now, right? 

By registering to attend USP’s 40th Anniversary and Safety Conference before Oct. 7, 2023, you are automatically entered to win two tickets to anywhere WestJet flies in continental North America. Not to mention, you also save $100! 

On Feb. 26 to 28, 2024, USP will Honour Our History and Embrace Our Future at our 40th Anniversary Celebration and Safety Conference at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel. The conference includes two days of educational sessions, plenaries and panel discussions that explore upcoming innovation, look at the future of utility safety and look back on the ideas and successes that shaped damage prevention in Alberta. The tradeshow hosts industry experts showcasing their safety products and services. Networking events include a banquet celebrating the winners of USP’s Industry Recognition Awards and an 80s-themed party.

There is just over one week left to take advantage of early bird pricing and potentially become the lucky winner flying off to your perfect vacation destination. Nevertheless, this will be an event to remember, and you won’t want to miss it!

Register here.

Detailed event information is available on USP’s website.