Introducing The Safety Moment Podcast (replacing Prairie Podcast)

Introducing The Safety Moment Podcast (replacing Prairie Podcast) 

For a number of years now, the digging community and utility owners alike have commenced regular meetings with a Safety Moment; a short, specific exercise designed to get employees thinking about safety. These ‘moments’ usually involve a problem or scenario that employees are likely to encounter on the job, at home or in their daily lives and are followed by a few minutes of reflection and discussion. It seems simple enough but when you’re the person who has to present the Safety Moment, it’s all too common to draw a blank.

No worries, we’re here to help!

Utility Safety Partners has been promoting Daily Safety Moments on its social media channels for a number of years and they’re popular. So if you need a topic, go to @Utility_Safety and scan through our posts to find one you like or that resonates with you. Or you can search via the #DailySafetyMoment hashtag.

The Safety Moment also transcends to so much more of what we do and in our modern culture, the Safety Moment has evolved as brief and casual conversations in which to share. They are the perfect time to bring up safety topics in a non-threatening (though potentially lifesaving) way.

It was in this same light that we launched the Prairie Podcast last year focusing on damage prevention and awareness of hazards related to excavation or construction activities that could pose a risk to buried or aboveground energy and utility assets. 37% of Albertans listen to at least one podcast every month. The Podcast has been popular and while we liked the "Prairie Podcast” name, we’re more than that. And so we are tweaking it a little and updating to The Safety Moment by Utility Safety Partners, which will debut later this fall. You can find us wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Just one more reason to follow Utility Safety Partners and our Safety Ambassadors on social media!

Follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify

Follow all of us on Twitter!

Utility Safety Partners
Edmonton Safety Ambassador
Calgary Safety Ambassador
Heartland Safety Ambassador


Mike Sullivan – President, Utility Safety Partners