Never Forget Your Roots

Never Forget Your Roots

"Time flies” is the biggest understatement of our lives. We don’t feel like we’re aging (well, most of the time we don’t) but when we catch a glimpse of our reflection in a window or mirror, especially when we’re not expecting it, we see ourselves how we truly are. Inside, we feel the same as we always did but on the outside, our appearances are changing. We’re older, greyer, slower, and more cautious.

I’ve been leading Alberta One-Call Corporation / Utility Safety Partners for over eleven years now and have had the absolute pleasure and fortune to work with some of the best and brightest in the damage prevention industry. Together, we’ve done some impressive work – but recognize there’s a lot more to do – we’ve made a positive impact on the damage prevention process in Alberta and across Canada. Our successes have been recognized internationally as well. But we’re just custodians of this non-profit organization; managing its goals, objectives, operations and relationships until it’s time for someone else to take the lead. The torch was passed to us from our predecessors and to them from their predecessors. But you don’t have to go too far back to get to the beginning and thankfully, my predecessor, Bob Chisholm, continues to remain in the picture; connecting USP with its roots – "the Old Boys” as he refers to them.

The affectionately named "Old Boys” were among the first series of Board Members representing the founding companies that created and incorporated Alberta One-Call Location Corporation on the 25th of August, 1982.

Every year, Bob Chisholm reaches out to me and suggests a date for the annual Old Boys’ lunch. Bob does the legwork confirming the date and location and we all get together to chat and reminisce. 

Perhaps it’s because I’m from a big family where large gatherings were the norm but I really enjoy these get-togethers. I enjoy sitting back and listening to the memories unfolding and watching old friends reconnect. There’s a genuine comradery among these guys - I suppose being part of a team that created something as necessary, longstanding and lifesaving as Alberta One-Call will do that - but there’s also a common humbleness. 

Because of their tenacity, vision, dedication and stick-to-it-iveness, countless lives across Alberta have been saved, career paths launched and a damage prevention culture created. Yes, we’re still improving and yes, there’s more work to do but we have come a long long way over 40 years.

From today’s Board of Directors to all of you, thank you for your dedication, tenacity, vision and hard work.

Mike Sullivan – President, Utility Safety Partners