Outlook for AMCI in 2016

Overall, we are working together, within and through AMCI, to improve the business climate for AMCs. Here’s how ...

1. We’re getting better: AMCI education and networking helps us assess the business environment, anticipate and address challenges, and deliver value.

2. We’re proving it: More than half of AMCI members are accredited, demonstrating their commitment to essential quality standards. For those who are not yet accredited ... you can do it, regardless of the size of your company. It will help you understand and streamline your business. If you’re ready, or almost ready, AMCI can help!!

AMCI is also proving it with data. The 2015 research comparing the return for AMC-managed and stand-alone organizations provided PROOF that AMCs generate superior results for their association clients, including those with budgets of up to $7.5 million dollars.

3. We’re promoting it: AMCI invests more than 25 percent of the annual budget into the marketing program. We have advanced beyond promoting awareness of the AMC Model to making the case that the AMC Model offers a superior return on investment for nonprofit organizations. And we are reaching out directly to volunteer leaders, association executives and influencers who work with both.

In addition to supporting the refinement and execution of our marketing program, which integrates the three elements above to promote the use of AMCs, key initiatives for AMCI this year include:


You are already a part of this, so make your investment count: Take advantage of all that AMCI has to offer. And take a moment to help promote your business and expand the demand for AMCs. It works best when we’re all pulling on the same side of the rope: Become accredited if you haven’t yet done so, promote the AMCI marketing messages and research, and submit your company’s digital and print thought leadership materials to AMCI to promote our industry thought leadership and accomplishments.

Here’s to a great year for each of us, and for all of us!





Greg Schultz
AMCI Chair 2016