President’s Message (Sue’s News)

Dear AHVAP Members and Affiliates,

It’s more important than ever to keep the lines of communication open and to be fully engaged. Front-line staff, educators, managers, supply chain management, value analysis professionals and even suppliers are all crucial to operational requirements ultimately impacting patient interactions and outcomes either directly or indirectly. AHVAP has increased recognition for peer-to-peer interactions too by providing additional education programs, webinars, podcasts and regional discussions. Check out for these offerings. AHVAP’s committee volunteers not only have current organizational responsibilities, but they are dedicating their additional time to support our healthcare Value Analysis community because they realize the importance of communication and growth of Value Analysis. Continue to take advantage of AHVAP’s educational offerings and get your Value Analysis teams engaged by participating in an AHVAP program to share what you are working on as well as what might not be working within your Value Analysis program. Let’s continue to communicate and learn from each other by promoting Value Analysis as the essential delivery component of healthcare that provides optimal value!

Are you recognizing all the wonderful contributions and dedication that Value Analysis professionals provide? Consider doing something special this year for AHVAP’s fifth annual Value Analysis Week, which is slowly creeping around the corner for the week of July 19 – 23, 2021. Communicate, celebrate, congratulate, entertain and share your experiences by following along on Twitter with @AHVAPOrg, on Facebook at or on LinkedIn.

Plan to join us at the 2021 AHVAP Annual Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, as AHVAP welcomes our Keynote Speaker Dr. Randy V. Bradley, Associate Professor of Information Systems and Supply Chain Manager at Haslam College of Business at The University of Tennessee who will engage us on how to develop a Resilient Culture on Oct. 27. Keep an eye out for the conference registration opening up this month as we are looking forward to this live event and reconnecting with all our Value Analysis professionals and Affiliate members.

With good health,

–Susan A. Toomey, BSHA, CVAHP, CMRP