Value Analysis in a New Reality: When technology ‘meets the moment’

Susan G Miller, RN, MN, CMRP, CVAHP, Senior Director Enterprise Value Analysis - Thomas Jefferson University & Jefferson Health; Immediate Past President, AHVAP

Jean Buscaglia-Yurkiewicz RN, BSN, CNOR, Clinical Resource Director - Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health; AHVAP District Representative

COVID-19 has forced us all to embrace and rely on technology in responding to the unprecedented supply shortages and patient care challenges that accompanied the pandemic. How has that renewed focus and reliance on technology enabled healthcare value analysis programs to pivot and rewrite the perception not only of value analysis processes, but of value analysis professionals themselves? And ultimately, how can the integration of tools and technology support our healthcare organizations’ response to and recovery from the consequences of this situation?

This article highlights the journey of two healthcare organizations and the impact that their planning for and embrace of technology, undertaken well before the pandemic, had on their respective organization’s ability to move forward in the midst of unprecedented change. What happens when technology ‘meets the moment’?

RWJBH begins implementation of Electronic Cloud Based VAC platform by Greenlight Medical.

The Clinical Resource Management team from Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health in New Jersey had a vision in 2019 to work with an electronic cloud based VAC platform in order to standardize, track and quantify their new product requests.

This platform had been introduced and implemented throughout 11 facilities, supported by physician-led ILG’s (Integrated Leadership Groups) orthopedic, neuro, cardiovascular, clinician lead collaboratives, which are comprised of infection control, perioperative, endoscopy, emergency, respiratory and central sterile processing as well CAUTI and wound care as well as our individual facility VAC teams.

Implementation was scheduled to start March 2020, by which education, remote and onsite support by the supplier were completed, and then, as COVID-19 evolved and the organization began to adjust to the new normal, the Clinical Resource Directors embraced the technology and organization that Greenlight Medical provided.

The process begins with an electronic submission of the new product request. Electronic approval and a signature by physician or champion of the product is needed, and it is then sent to the CRD for review and moved forward for financial, clinical and regulatory review as indicated. Products are easily added to agendas for VAC members to review.

Utilization of this electronic cloud based VAC platform will positively impact the RWJBH system with evidenced-based consistent decision making, increased physician participation, and decreased duplication and variation in product request and decision making as well as tracking and measuring of service/product request, cost avoidance, and savings for our facilities and system.

The Jefferson Health ongoing partnership with Lumere enables rapid implementation of Customized Value Analysis Decision Making in the New Reality


Two years ago, as part of their Supply Chain Integration initiative, Jefferson Health, a 14 hospital integrated delivery network in the Philadelphia area transformed their value analysis program by undertaking a transition from an individual entity value analysis structure to enterprise-wide value analysis decision making through a focus on patient outcomes. A key component of that transformation was the reliance on enabling technology and, after assessing the options to determine the best fit, Jefferson selected and implemented Lumere as their partner for both workflow and request management and evidence.

Throughout the transformation process, the collaboration between the clinical community and the value analysis community, coupled with fully engaged physician and nursing leaders as committee chairs and supported by strong administrative leadership, resulted in a highly functioning process and more importantly, the development of trust that became a lifeline for both clinicians and supply chain professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Implementation of Lumere’s enabling technology was integral to support the organization’s transformation priorities: an enterprise-wide approach to decision making, further enhancement of data driven decision making through integration of evidence based research and the fostering of a culture of clinical engagement and accountability.

As a result of the monumental financial and operational impact of COVID-19, it became imperative that Jefferson’s value analysis decision making priorities enabled, supported and enhanced the organization’s response to the consequences of the pandemic. While the guiding principles of the value analysis program — patient and staff safety as well as quality outcomes supported by objective evidence — remained the primary factors in decision making, it was clear that there needed to be a new algorithm and new priorities for value analysis. This increased level of scrutiny required additional clinical justification supported by data and evidence in order to consider and render a decision for each new request.

Lumere had recently released an updated request submission format that provided more opportunities for customization as well as stronger ties to available evidence. This expedited Jefferson’s process changes and resulted in a compressed timeline. In just under 6 weeks, the new algorithm was approved by the Enterprise Value Analysis Steering Committee, the new decision making priorities were socialized with each of the four individual Value Analysis Committees, and the request format changes were designed and implemented. Automating the new process requires the requestors to submit additional data to support the need, thereby increasing accountability. This will ensure consistent implementation of the revised criteria, reduce manual work by the value analysis team and reduce cycle time to decision making.


How has your organization embraced technology?

The pivotal role and evolving role of the value analysis professional has never been as important as it is today. Enabling technology is critical for our further development, whether that technology takes the form of a homegrown request management system, a database or one of the many excellent third-party systems available in the marketplace. Not every healthcare organization has implemented third party workflow request management systems as part of their value analysis program, nor are we suggesting that the implementation of such a system is required, but all of us have had to examine our processes and think differently about our programs, our communication strategies and our decision making in these unprecedented times.

We all use enabling technology in both our professional and personal lives. The critical decision is this: what is right for your organization and your value analysis program? How have you utilized tools and technology to enhance the effectiveness of your value analysis program? How can technology help you to be more nimble in the new reality? What best practices can you share with your AHVAP colleagues? How can you use technology to ‘meet the moment’?