Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,

The summer has certainly flown by and we are now preparing for budget season, winter surges and — dare I say — the Holidays. However, one important event is coming soon: the ASHHRA 53rd Annual Conference & Exposition in Seattle, September 16–19. This year’s theme is Partnering Across the Continuum of Care, The Changing Role Of Healthcare Human Resources.

This is a great time to reconnect with colleagues, advance your practice, network with other hospital and health care entities and have a chance to see the great city of Seattle. Mark your calendars for September 16–19 as your time to explore ASHHRA.

The theme of the conference was inspired by our ever-changing health care footprint. We in HR are oftentimes engaged in non-traditional strategy for the organization. These requests span the continuum of care and require us to know and understand the business of the business. From a personal point of view, I have been engaged by our leaders to evaluate quality processes regarding patient safety, understanding quality measures and developing programs which encourage and engage our staff to identify "good catches" within the hospital and develop a culture of psychology safety. This culture will support a safer environment with staff identifying process improvements.

As we become more involved with this ever-changing landscape, it is essential that we develop the acumen to navigate the fields of service with which we are unfamiliar. With this elevated knowledge we can become the credible activists our leaders can rely on and trust. Take this time to pause and reflect on your personal toolkit. Do you have the tools you need to succeed in the uncertain future? If you don’t, what are you doing to develop yourself to become that "credible activist" for your organization? Invest in yourself and become the best you can be!

There’s no better setting to explore your resources than at the ASHHRA annual conference, so be sure you register today!

See you in Seattle,

Gary L. Pastore, MSL, CHHR
ASHHRA 2017 President
Director & Senior Business Consultant
HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center