Dear ASHHRA Colleagues,
On April 1, the organization I work for held a special orientation for a newly acquired cancer service and their staff. As I prepared to leave the house that morning, I realized what an impact we would be making on 108 individuals in their preparation to leave one organization and transition into a new one. For me, it started out as an additional Saturday orientation to meet the new work schedule for Monday. For them, it began a new journey in their lives whether they wanted to or not; it was the nature of this new business of health care: growth, acquisitions and mergers.
Recognizing this journey may be welcomed for most but a scary proposition for others, our onboarding team pulled together a first day experience that would engage our new cancer team and welcome them to the team.  CONNECTING became the theme of this special group.  
Connections, I realized, are the success of our business of Human Resources. We often take for granted the "connections" we make during the course of our day. But to see the connections in action and make them a positive experience for this group of newly engaged staff members would form their opinion of our organization on that day and the days to come. Isn’t that what it is all about?
The translation of our interactions has that trickle-down effect to our ultimate customer, the patient. So each time we onboard a new group of employees, interact with a staff member, engage in meaningful conversations or have difficult ones in a respectful way, we create our connection culture. 
It is not unusual for us in HR to be held to a higher standard than others. At times it becomes exhausting. However, at the end of the day the positive connection we had with someone will linger for times to come.  
As you can tell by now, I am a big believer in connecting, collaborating and networking. These actions serve to enhance our business, culture AND in addition, our personal and professional growth. The connections we have with each other through ASHHRA have hopefully connected you in a positive way with resources, individuals and new friendships. Take the opportunity to connect through our new ASHHRA Exchange. This new feature to your member benefits helps you connect with others and exchange ideas, suggestions or solutions in an easy way.  
However you choose to connect your experience make it a positive one.
Happy spring!
Gary L. Pastore, MSL, CHHR
ASHHRA 2017 President
Director of Human Resources Employee Relations
HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center